My mood before vacation

My mood before vacation
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

The past year has not been the easiest for me. Despite the fact that I got a new position at work (the salary increased by 17%), I signed up for English courses and finally signed up for a subscription to the fitness center, I was incredibly tired of all this. It seems likefriends are jealous andMom praises me, but my heart is somehow sad and heavy. Something is missing, I feel accumulated mortal fatigue - and this at my 27 years old...

I decided to unwind, to change the situation, so to speak. I wandered through travel websites, read reviews about popular tourist destinations and chose a vacation in Cuba. It’s not that I was an adherent of the socialist system of government, which is primarily remembered by everyone to whom I told about my plans; rather, I wanted real exoticism. Those. It was still a pity for really real money - Thailand and Goa will wait for now.

But even to the well-worn beaches of Turkey and Egypt, where I had been twice already, it was not a good idea to fly for a third time. Still, my goal is not so much to get a tan and irritate my colleagues, but to relax and change the environment.

But suddenly I was faced with misunderstanding. It turned out that choosing a tour so as not to overpay and relax in comfort is not the most difficult thing. Moreover, this misunderstanding came from where I did not expect it at all - my mother.

She seemed to support me that I had worked hard this year and deserved a good rest on a warm sandy beach, but she was still categorically against my trip.

Quite reasonable arguments were used, such as “it’s a long flight”, “you don’t know the language and traditions”, “you leave the apartment unattended for a long time”, and not entirely logical ones: “you need to save money”, “on such trips you need to be with someone go, not alone”, “what disease will you catch”, etc.

This upset me very much and my mother and I even had a little fight. Of course, it is better to fly to a distant exotic country with a company, a loved one, or at least a couple of girlfriends. But if there is no shortage of girlfriends, then everything is very sad with my young man.

PersonalMy relationship with my last boyfriend didn’t work out, which is why I’m still very worried (part of my trip is related to the desire not to think about him again). And my mother knows this very well, but still she did not fail to step on my favorite peeve. She’s probably also worried that I’ll “be left alone as an old maid,” but what does my trip to Cuba have to do with it?

In a word, the ticket has been purchased, the documents have been completed, but there is absolutely no mood to have fun. It seems that no one is to blame, it seems that there are no problems, but it’s sad and I don’t want anything at all.

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