My sad childhood was brightened up only by my grandmother and a cat.

My sad childhood was brightened up only by my grandmother and a cat.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My childhood was sad and lonely. My father died when I was five years old.

My mother is a very good person, but for her I was always in last place. She kept leaving me and leaving for other cities in search of personal happiness.

I grew up a closed, shy, useless girl. Friends, of course, were, but mostly made fun of me and offended. I was raised by my grandmother, who always protected me and helped me in everything.

When I was ten years old, my friends gave me a kitten. I immediately fell in love with him, and he became the meaning of my life. Tricolor beautiful angel with incredibly smart and beautiful green eyes, like a human. He replaced everything that I lacked so much. He delighted, warmed and loved me like his own.

All animals are beautiful, but my Pusyonok was smart, understanding all the words and the most wonderful on earth. In the most difficult times of my life, he calmed and was there. He did not go to bed without me, protected from scandals in the family. I can't describe how expensive has been to me. He lived in my house for sixteen years. All mygave love until the end of his days. I am very hurt and so lonely after his death that life seems to have stopped. I feel guilty before him. Perhaps I offended him lately, not paying due attention. Maybe I could extend his life if I wasn't obsessed with personal problems. He died in front of my eyes. This trauma will last a lifetime. I won't be able to get another animal. It is hard for me to be at home, realizing that my miracle is no more.

People are selfish. First of all, they only think about themselves. And beloved pets give us all their love for free.

There is no more life and joy in my eyes. Appreciate wonderful creatures. Take care and do not leave unattended. Go to the vet more often to prevent illness. Animals arehappiness and a gift from heaven. If you have taken responsibility for their fate, then appreciate and care without hesitation.

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