My weird date with a guy

My weird date with a guy
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I met a guy on the Internet, met only a few times. Everything was very good, no harassment, no hints, at the end of the second date, he kissed me, but very carefully, as if it was his first kiss, but we are already old enough (I'm 28 years old, he's 36). After that, we couldn’t meet in any way, then I had things to do, then he had things, but we correspondedevery day , he sent me his photos, the communication was pleasant.

Then he disappeared for 4 days, I did not write to him, did not call. At the weekend, he called himself, they wanted to meet, but it didn’t work out, and at night I went to him, of course, he called me himself. We talked for several hours on various topics, there was a feeling that we had been together for a long time, we had known each other for a long time, it was clear that he was trying to please me. Then there wassex , it was very strange, I was very worried and, it seems, was not ready for such a development of events, but still did not stop.

In principle, everything went well, but for me it was unusual, the first time allowed relativesrelationship with a stranger, and I have almost no experience (before sex, he said that if I don’t want, then we can not do this). The next morning everything was fine, we communicated well with him, and then everyone went about his business. And after that he disappeared. I wrote a few days later, he replied, as usual, he promised me to give me something special. Then he stopped answering. He answered the last message rather dryly, and did not continue to correspond with me.

I am very worried, I understand that this is not so important for him, but according to his behavior, when we were together, I thought that he takes me quite seriously, I think that I agreed in vain, we are both oriental people, we don’t accepted, I don't know what came over me then. I'm afraid that now he thinks that I can behave this way with everyone. I want to write to him and tell him that I am very ashamed of my thoughtlessact . But I don't know if it's worth it. All this sounds stupid, but I'm very worried.

What can be done now, or is it better to leave everything as it is and not write to him at all?

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