My world suddenly collapsed

My world suddenly collapsed
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'll start my story from my college days. I entered the university on a free basis, in the 2nd year I met a girl - good, beautiful, bold in statements, loved to talk, from a wealthy family. I, on the contrary, raised, fed, dressed me and my brother alonemother . There was no extra money, I didn’t even try to ask, I perfectly understood everything that was needed, I bought it from a scholarship. Knew the price of every penny, not that he squeezedmoney , I spent money with my head, thinking before that 10 times, and did not throw it away.

We began to communicate with the girl, a great initiative came from her. I was not sure of myself because of our different social positions. There was a fight on my birthday. I couldn’t see her, she wanted to give me a present, but it didn’t work out, and because of this she was offended by me, she didn’t want to listen to anything. Thus ended our "relationship" and "love". We met by chance 2 years later. It turns out that she was already married and she has a two-year-old son. We began to call up, meet, and away we go. drugged me with its care, attention, cleanliness in the apartment, delicious dinners. And it turns out that she is pregnant. For a while I was puzzled as to what to do and how to be. I decided - on February 14, I proposed to her and gave her a ring! At the very least, but I tried to accept her son as his own, he still calls me dad, and almost 5 years have passed. In general, a beautiful daughter was born to us - a copy of my mother!

They lived like everyone else - cursed, reconciled. After 2 years, a son was born - a hero! We, as always, just a little. But here they put on themselves one job, a second, a third, that she, that I. In general, they lost mutual understanding, respect, patience and calmness. I carried all the negativity home, not understanding and not realizing that all this is a trifle. For me, it was all serious, responsible, worried about everything, nervous. My wife rarely listened to me, mostly doing everything in her own way, in spite of me.

He doesn’t know the value of money, spreads to the left - to the right, it’s necessary, it’s not necessary, he buys all sorts of nonsense. Because of these constant confrontations, used to break down at her, yelling, swearing in public. I lashed out at the children, which I greatly regret and repent. Now, of course, I understand that I was wrong, but at that time I did not realize this. It pissed me off that she didn’t consider my opinion - didn’t consider it at all! As a result, after another breakdown, we moved away from each other even more.

At this time, someone "third" appeared. Well, it started, let's go. As they say, three things cannot be hidden - the sun, the moon and the TRUTH. I learned everything. What a terrible stab in the back! It is impossible to convey in words! I don't smoke, I don't drink, I never cheated on her! Even after that she continued to lie, everywherelies , everywhere. It turns out that there was not enough affection, love and attention. It turns out that she is also pregnant from him. The child decided to leave. She wanted me to accept this child as the first. There is no remorse, everything is still my fault. I pushed her into it. After it turned out that he is the best and favorite, everything is the finish line! The "third" also abandoned her - neither she norhe doesn't want a child .

After long conversations, throwing, regrets, tears, heartache, I came to the only, it seems to me, way out - to get a divorce. For six months now I have been living separately from my children, I miss them very much. Realizing all the pain of what happened, realizing my mistakes in relation to the family, realizing - how can I trust someone, I don’t know how to live on? Is there life after divorce?

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