My dream husband

My dream husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I dated a young man for several months in a row, but he still didn’t want to confess his love to me. I thought that I would not rush things and was not worried about this. Then we started living together, but I didn’t see or hear words of love or marriage proposals from him.

When he invited me to a cafe for a serious conversation, I prepared to tell him the main news that he would soon become a dad. I thought all day about this conversation and how best to present this news to him. And so I decided to tell him about this in the evening in a cafe.

We met, I was beaming with happiness, but he was very depressed about something and didn’t even kiss me, as usual, when we met. When he spoke, he said the following: “I’m leaving for someone else, I’m sorry that this happened.” Then he got up and left. That day he never knew that Ipregnant _

I didn’t save the child, then I greatly regretted it: I cried constantly, hated myself, him and the whole world.

Several years passed, I was still alone, because... I was afraid to start new onesrelationship . I constantly thought about that pregnancy. And now, after so much time, I dream about myson . My already grown up handsome son, a copy of his dad. And he says to me in a dream: “Mommy, don’t worry, I feel good here and we’ll see you soon, I promise.”

And then the following happened: I came to visit my friend. She lives in a communal apartment, there are many neighbors, a shared kitchen, etc. I'm sitting in the kitchen, testing my new bread machine, waiting for my friend. Suddenly she comes outneighbor , said hello and left. It was him - my handsome grown-up boy from the dream! It was as if they had photographed him in my head and then sculpted an exact real copy. I had a glass of mineral water in my hands that just fell and broke into pieces. I sat all pale - it was my son, so handsome and so mature for some reason.

I came ina friend saw me, picked up the fragments from the floor and asked what happened. I asked her about her neighbor, she said that was her friend who was renting a room here. She introduced me to him.

He fell in love with me, but I couldn’t love him, because... She had purely maternal feelings for him. I didn’t know how to tell him all this. I invited him to be just a friend, but he gave me an ultimatum: either you are mine, or you will not see me again. I was afraid that I wouldn't see him again.

Now he's minehusband . At the same time, I understand that I shouldn’t be with my Dimka, although I love him very much. I love it more than life and don’t know what to do.

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