My failed marriage

My failed marriage
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm 29 years old, I got out 6 years agomarried a young man, met at work, he was a driver. There wasn’t much romance, we met, were friends, we wanted to live separately from our parents. And since it was more profitablerent an apartment together, that’s what we did. Three months later we got married, I became pregnant. We quit that job. And then the first bell rang. He didn’t get a job for almost three months, II was pregnant . All supplies, even the pennies from the piggy bank, have run out. We lived with my parents, fed at their expense, while a relativemy husband didn’t get him a job. Quarrels were frequent, not about finances, but about different views onlife , which was generally not acceptable for me, is in the order of things for him. For example, he could go to visit a friend, or look at a website with prostitutes. Well, they don't get divorced because of this. But there were quarrels.

After 3 years, he quit, the very small salary did not suit him, and I just went back to work. He started working at a private service station,, but again the salary was based on production, very small, and he left, did not work from July to October. At my work, one driver from another company offered to hire my husband as a driver. Things started to get better. True, there was a separation for a couple of weeks; at that job he became friends with one girl and gave her a ride home. And when I found myself at work with him, when she saw me, she turned around and left, although she was going to her husband. It hurt me. If she wanted to say something harmless, why didn't she say it? Why be afraid of me? Then they made up, I couldn’t, I couldn’t stand the parting, I loved her so much.

In September 2014, he got a job, before that he also couldn’t find a job for a long time, he was at home, taking his daughter to kindergarten. And at the beginning of this year I became pregnant, and I was laid off at the 3rd month. I couldn’t find a job anymore, I had toxicosis, went to a consultation, and also treated my daughter. At the end of August he is fired, I have to give birth in October, there is catastrophically nothing to live on. I don't know what to do. There is no love for him anymore because of his such test-antibiotic.comrelationship . Apparently, he got tired of me within a month, he can be rude and shout in public. He can’t talk calmly, he can’t make contact, he immediately throws hysterics, screams, gets offended, and simply manipulates these grievances.

I want to get a divorce, probably we just got married early. Of course there is mineThis is one hundred percent fault . Now he's gone, I'm relieved. Financially, of course, it’s difficult, but without him it will be easier, you won’t have to feed him on child benefits. It turned out that neither I was a match for him, nor he was a match for me.

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