My relationship after divorce with my husband

My relationship after divorce with my husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I want to talk to someone, but I can't tell my loved ones about it. I'm 30 years old, I wasmarried , two children, now divorced. AcquaintanceThe guy (seven years younger) started showing interest in me, so much attention that I had already forgotten how it happens. A month later they startedrelationship , everything was fine for two weeks, and then he started making claims against me. He says that I interrupt him and don’t listen to him to the end, and that I have the same profession as himmother (we work together), and he didn’t like the fact that I, like her, love my job. He told me about it.

Then he didn't write to me for the whole day, didn't call, and this had never happened before, and late in the evening I wrote a message that I was falling in love and missed him. After that we didn't see each other, he stopped calling, said that he couldn't reach me, as he was blocked, and I dialed myself. After another week of such a relationship, I realized that he was not interested in me and told him about it. We stopped communicating for a couple of days. Then I find out thatpregnant , I don't call, I write that I'm pregnant, he says that he'll come talk, I answered that there's nothing to talk about, that I didn't expect this, especially from the guy who dumped me. And he didn't come. I cried that he didn't care about me, that he just spent time, before I only hadmarriage and that's it, no meetings or partings, my husband and I lived well until his betrayal, which I couldn'tforgive , but he went to his mistress.

I'm beautiful, I work, I have my own place. ExMy husband doesn't help me with anything, I'm raising two kids on my own and then this happens, the third onechild . I decided to keep it anyway, I cried a lot and for a long time,I called this guy , he didn't answer, wrote on social networks that he shouldn't do this and leave me alone with all this, that we really need to meet and talk. In the end, the phone is turned off and not on social networks. My friends contacted him, said that I was going to keep the child, he immediately got in touch and immediately came to me. Although he told his friends that it was quite possible and not his child, and that I scared him when I said that I was falling in love. He also said that he didn't want to be with me. They told me this, he came, hugged me, said that he was not against the child, and that we needed to get married.

I was honestly shocked, then asked if he really wanted a child or if we should have an abortion, since the term was very early. He said abortion. In general, I cried, assessed my options, how I can be alone with three children, and if these at least know their dad, communicate, although he does not help financially, then the third one with such a dad will not have a chance to be a father. Alone with three children, when there is maternity leave and no support even from relatives, I can not cope, I went to have an abortion. He came these days, was there, kissed and supported morally, said that everything is fine, began to communicate with me again. He began to come again, I was angry at him for leaving me in a difficult situation, but he explained that he had an accident at that time, and then read what I wrote angry and did not want to talk to me after that, because he did not want to scandal.

Anyway, a week passed after everything, he was at my place for the last time, we were sitting together, watching a movie, after the movie he started talking to me about drugs and giving me a phone number of someone who could give them to me. And this despite the fact that I was in shock, the movie was about this, but I would never apply such a story to my life. He started telling me that he had already tried it, I interrupted him, and he flared up again. Then I asked why he came back, he could have stayed outside the zone, like during my pregnancy, and he didn’t answer anything, got ready, said he was going out for a smoke and left. I called back, asked why he left like that, couldn’t he have said goodbye normally, and to mythe question is this time he is leaving forever, he answered dryly that yes. I wrote him long messages again about how much I cried with this pregnancy, how much I suffered from the fact that he was silent for a week after he found out that I was pregnant and many other things. He answered me briefly that he is not going to talk to me about the same thing when it has already happened. I called him again myself, he denies what he told my friends, that the child may not be his, although I have never been with anyone else excepthusband , and then this guy says it's fiction. And he says he wanted to be with me, but I interrupt him again and again write a lot in messages and that's it.

I am, frankly speaking, in such shock now from all of this, my husband was such that we made all the decisions together, we lived without scandals, only sometimes I wrote him letters and he read them and then we talked calmly, and then this, I don’t understand what this issuch attitude and in general what is the goal of this guy next to me, if I tell him that we did not quarrel, and it was not nice to leave like that, and he tells me that I did not behave like that, that I should think. Maybe I do not know how to communicate correctly with a man, I do not know, but when I was pregnant from him, I clearly saw that I needed to rely only on my own strength, that he now says one thing and in a minute another.

Before me, a few months ago, he had a relationship with a girl he told me abouthe asked her to marry him and wanted a child because he wanted to be with her, she was also older and had a child from a previous marriage, she left him and stopped anycommunication with him. And now he tells me that he does not want to fall in love, because he does not want to experience all this again, but it seems to me that she is in his heart, and that is why I am so annoying, apparently. I do not understand anything, why did he come to me after a quarrel, what is this person's attitude towards me?

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