My boyfriend spoils his little sister too much

My boyfriend spoils his little sister too much
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have a wonderful, hotbeloved and no less lovingboy . Not long ago I moved into his family’s house -mother , father,sister andBrother . And everything is great, but...

Because of his little sister, I'm just panicking. Firstly, he is 25, she is 9, and until she was three years old, he was like a nanny; he practically raised her himself. Secondly, before my arrival, she constantly slept in bed with them - she is afraid to fall asleep alone, although she has her own room. Parents do not care about the girl, i.e. he's just capricious and spoiledchild , and my beloved also indulges her. In response to my reproaches (he himself is indignant at being spoiled), she says that she has parents and “this is my little sister.”

Here it should be said that the child is truly wonderful. We immediately became friends, she loves me (and I love her too), I try to spend time with her whenever possible, even the only one in the whole family went with her to another city for a performance by her ensemble. Our relationship is generally excellent, she likes to be with me more than with her brothers, but... she blows my mind.

To begin with, at the end of the summer, when she was tired of sitting at home, she began to throw tantrums that her brother and I were not paying attention to her, although the three of us walked almost constantly, she rubbed shoulders with us all the time - both while watching movies and during walks. I treated her whims with understanding - the child is jealous of her brother towards me. I endured it, and then I lost my mind.

My first terrible day off was when I spent the whole day with her: watching some cartoons, going to a performance, walking, baking pizza together, playing games. In the end, I tried to read, relax, to which they threw me the most terrible hysteria, that I was disgusting, inattentive, that since I lived in her house, I had a debt to her, etc. And everything would be fine, onlymy boyfriend was busy all day – watching movies. Then, in the evening, when they went to bed, she complained that she didn’t want to leave, he turned on the movie and turned off the light.

Results: I cried for half the film, because I hoped that we would spend time together, cuddling, but what I got was a sleeping child between us. They fell asleep with her, and when dad took herdaughter on her bed, I threw a tantrum (I hope it was from fatigue and not something else). Now my sister constantly lies to her sister when she asks to watch TV shows with us in the evening, and I also feel guilty, as if I’m separating my brother and sister, who before my appearance all the time fell asleep together. On the other hand, we don’t spend time just the two of us anyway - either with his friends or with his sister, and together we only sleep and go for a walk once a month. I'm happy to spend time with her, but I moved to be with him, not with his family. I'm afraid that she will get used to it and will always be in our bed. This is actually my problem. My man cannot put pressure on the child, he allows everything, like everyone else in this family.

I love it very much, and thisI like the family , but he wants to live with them alllife , and I'm afraid that I'll go crazy. His mother forbids his 25-year-old son to put a lock on the door of his room! He says otherwise he will kick you out of the house. And I’m used to solitude. I want to live with him alone, I want my own kitchen, I want our house to be only ours, our children did not grow up in a big, noisy, untidy house, but in a small cozy nest.

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