My vacation adventures

My vacation adventures
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I really want to tell a story that happened to me a year ago. I have been living and working for the last 12 years in the north, beyond the Arctic Circle. I decided to go on vacation to the sea to relax. And I wanted to stop by on the way to the city where I lived before. To visit old friends, to see acquaintances.

We were greeted very hospitably. There are a lot of friends and acquaintances. If you stayed too long with some, then others call and are offended that you didn’t stay with them. And I want to see everyone. And as in the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus”, with Shurik, a non-drinking person, toast after toast. On the fifth day I decided, enough is enough, it’s time to know the honor. But four days of feasting, the fifth is not so easy to survive dry. I called my very old good friend (she works as the head of a clinic) and told me my problem. Unfortunately, she was leaving on a business trip, but promised to help. She said that she would call whoever needed. They will put me on an IV, give me a couple of injections and I will be as healthy as a baby, I just need to go to the appointed place.

She called one, another called another, she called a third. I don’t know who messed up But everything went wrong. I was met at the hospital and taken to the emergency room, where I signed papers that I agree totreatment . Then they asked to leave documents, a phone, cash, plastic cards, a chain, a ring and outerwear in the safe. They said that this would not be needed in the ward and that everything would be returned to me after the procedures. Then the orderly cameman and told me to follow him. When the metal bars slammed shut behind me, I wasn’t worried. But when they took me into the room, I was simply shocked. There were about 20 beds in the room with people on them, and more than half of them were tied down. I realized that I was in a mental hospital. They showed me a rusty metal bed on which lay a lumpy kind of mattress, saying that this was my place. I objected that this was some kind of misunderstanding. But the orderly was impenetrable.

Further attempts to clarify the situation only led to the arrival of two more people and a nurse. They tied me to the bed, placing mean injection that made me just a “vegetable.” They said that they would treat me for alcoholism for 10 days. I spent the night tied up and without sleep. The next morning the shift changed. During the morning examination, the new nurse listened to me and said that she could not help. The manager is on vacation, and the deputy is at the dacha on weekends and she won’t call him. Even though I said that we knew him well (we had often gone fishing with mutual friends before), they still untied me after I promised not to be indignant and not to make a fuss. I decided to wait until Monday, going on a hunger strike. I began to take a closer look at the people around me. Mostly these were mentally ill people. Some are alcoholics and a couple of young guys who died from the army. Nearby lay an elderly man who was constantly sleeping. He was given injections periodically. When I asked about him, they said that he was brought in violently, and then he fell into a coma. On the night from Sunday to Monday I finally fell asleep. And here the crux of my story begins. Either I dreamed it or it really happened, but I woke up with pushing mea neighbor who was in a coma. “Don’t you have a smoke?” - he asked me. “No, it doesn’t seem to be allowed here,” I answer. “Let’s talk, otherwise no one is talking to me.” In general, we talked.

His name is Andrey. He went to visit his son by train. I got out at the station to buy something for tea. And then an epileptic attack. I fell behind the train, and there were things and documents. Now he doesn’t know how to get there. And then doctors constantly inject sleeping pills. I don’t remember how, but I fell asleep again in the morning. When I woke up in the morning, I pushed my neighbor. - Andryukha, get up for breakfast. And he doesn't move. The man who was lying on the other side said. “Don’t mock the man, he’s been unconscious for two weeks now.” Well, I thought, I need to dream about something like this. But all my thoughts were already about something else - how to get out of the psychiatric hospital. The deputy was told he wouldn’t be there, he was summoned somewhere to another city. The doctor on the round said that he would tell him about me as soon as he returned. By lunchtime, Andrei opened his eyes and began to groan and regain consciousness. Then the fuss began. They called the doctor who was there in the morning. He came and started asking questions. Does he remember who he is and where he’s from? And when he said his first and last name, and that he was going to see his son in Volgograd, shivers ran down my spine. Everything is exactly as he told me.

How come he was in a coma? How did I talk to him? And in the evening I asked him if he remembered the night conversation. The answer is no. At night I was lucky, I found a guy in the toilet who had served in the army with a phone. In response to my promise to bring him a carton of cigarettes, he let me call. At three o'clock in the morning I dialed a friend's number. About an hour later they came for me, and with their apologies I left the place. Then, I think, someone was fired there. Except my friend, whom I then called and myfriends , no one knows what happened to me. It's not a matter of whether they believe me or not. I am always tormented by one test-antibiotic.comquestion - how did I talk to a person who was in a coma for two weeks? After all, when we talked, he looked great. And when I came to my senses, I could barely pronounce the words. If anyone had told me, I wouldn't have believed it.

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