My thoughts on moving to a new place of residence

My thoughts on moving to a new place of residence
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I would like to tell you a little success story of mya friend who might help someone make a decision and change theirlife . At least, her example helped me decide to take responsibility for my life and stop looking for excuses and justifications for my laziness.

Five years ago myfriend Lena met throughInternet with a Spaniard and went with him to Barcelona. He works as a realtor - he sells apartments in Barcelona, ​​both inexpensive and luxurious penthouses with several bedrooms and sea views. They have enough to live, even a very beautiful life, I would say.

Lena was fond of the Spanish language at the university, she already had a good level then, and after immersion in the language environment and intensive practice with her husband, she began to speak practically without an accent (that’s what their Spanish friends say, I myself, of course, cannot evaluate her pronunciation ).

Soon she went to work for her husband, in a real estate agency, where he was not a director at all - an ordinary manager. What I mean is that Lena did not have any protection, she just wanted to work, was not lazy to study and was not going to sit on the neck of the futurehusband . Because I was aware of how and how quickly such behavior could end.

About a year after her arrival, they got married, bought a cozy apartment in Barcelona (a long way from an elite penthouse, of course, but with their hard work and determination they will have everything, I’m sure), they are still happy and invite me to visit them. Or even forever, if I have such a desire.

Previously, I did not take their invitations seriously, but with the latest events in the economy, I began to think about the prospects for my life in Moscow. I work in the IT field, so if desired, I will be in demand as a specialist in Europe. I don’t have my own home here, although I’ve almost saved up for an apartment.

Lena persuades me to take my time and look at similar offers they have in Barcelona. On minemoney there you can buy a better and larger apartment than in Moscow, and given the fact that I will live in the European Union and will be able to travel to other European countries (I really like to travel and for me this is a very powerful argument) it will be much cheaper and easier, than now…

In a word, I’m seriously thinking about moving: I started learning Spanish (I already knew English well), I’m saving money, which I converted into euros in advance, I’m looking for housing options, and I’ve extended my Schengen visa. I like visiting Lena, of course, but it’s a little upsetting that I’ll have to live away from relatives and friends.

Of course, I don’t see them every week, but I doubt that after I move to Barcelona I will see my loved ones more often than once a year. The point is not that it’s expensive (in fact, it’s not particularly expensive if you use low-cost airlines and don’t show off with any reason), but if you didn’t always have time to come to another district of Moscow before, how can you pack up and get out in a couple thousand kilometers? I'm afraid there won't be many people willing.

But I don’t want to give up my dream either. Seeing the inspiring example of a happy friend in front of me, I understand that test-antibiotic.coman apartment in Barcelona or another prosperous country is not a rosy dream, it’s just a goal. Serious, but achievable if you stop being lazy and take responsibility for your life into your own hands.

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