My dead-end relationship with my common-law husband

My dead-end relationship with my common-law husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I want to share my life experience, maybe someone will give advice, and I can get out of this Bermuda Triangle.

I live with a man from whom I havechild , we have not been officially married for 8 years, and our son is already 6 years old. When we met, everything was perfect, but then he went to another country for a year, then he came and we began to live together. Then he worked various shifts and might not come for months. That's how we lived.

There were often scandalsEvery day he raised his hand, on holidays he strangled him and even threw his head against the wall and beat him. I endured everything, I didn’t know how to leave him. Then 6 years later I find out that he slept with my friend. Now we communicate, he comes and starts scandals again.

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