My adult daughters hate me

My adult daughters hate me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My daughters are 37 and 32 years old. The eldest has a family and a four-year-old son, the youngest is alone. Last year we moved in with them, we have our own separate housing. I rarely visit them, only by invitation and permission.

I propose to take care of recreation, development of grandchildren (at my expense), and I definitely give gifts for birthdays and holidays. Butthe relationship is getting worse and worse. While they were working and living in another city, they helped them well financially, and she came to hang out with her grandchildren and took them home for the summer. But the money bag dried up, and the relationship immediately deteriorated.

How many times did I go for reconciliation, and yesterday, atThey didn’t even congratulate the holiday . They write in SMS that I'm badMother got them all, and why did they move here (after all, they themselves insisted). The husband is silent. I'm left alone, I don't understand thisattitude towards oneself, why daughters are so cruel.

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