My emotional dependence on a married man

My emotional dependence on a married man
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My story is banal and as old as the world. I can tell my friends, but they have enough problems of their own. You just need to talk it out.

I'm quite old now. There were also marriages, but they didn’t work out, there were no children. Three years ago, at an entertainment event, I met a man.

At first it was difficult to even call it an acquaintance. Just go to one area of ​​the city. And so it went on, once a week. Let's go home together. He's a little further away.

Then he asked permission to accompany us. Fine. The walks began to drag on, but it was interesting to communicate. Although he is 14 years older than me. And the worst thing is that he is married and did not hide it. Three months later they became close. And I fell in love.

I didn’t think this would happen at my age. These stretchedrelationship for another year. We met, walked, talked. They weren't really hiding. As a result, his adultmy daughter found out everything.

After that they broke up immediately. I lived like hell for two months. Then she calmed down. But I was not ready for a new relationship. And four months later he called himself. We met. And again all over again. And again for another year.

But that's probably not the point. I became very emotionally dependent on him. If we don’t see each other for one day, I miss you terribly. I forgave him everything. We are ordinary average people, there is no material gain.

But the fact that he is aged plays a role. Sometimes I get sick and it’s unbearable for me. I can't help, I'm afraid for himhealth andlife . And I can’t cope with my nerves.

Somehow everything turned out dry. And I’ve already heard that he decides his sexualproblems , takes care of his wife and everything else. But, of course, I wish this were not so.

Or maybe it is. Otherwise I wouldn’t have traveled from the other end of the cityevery day on my work shift for forty minutesdrink coffee and talk. Go for walks with me on weekends. He's quite creativeprofession , and the schedule is gentle.

I never set out to take him away from the family. I was married once and it was discussed right away. Tells everything. Share problems and plans. And when he is not around, I perfectly understand that I must change my line of behavior, be able to distance myself and occupy my leisure time.

Maybe I wouldn’t write all this, but he has a virus. The situation is far from rosy. And I'm scared that I won't see him again. When we broke up last time, I knew that he was alive, healthy and everything was fine with him.

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