My mom is a tyrant

My mom is a tyrant
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 30 years old. All my childhood she beat memom . She always humiliated me in front of people, stuck her nose in minelife forced me to study for someone I didn’t want to be. She never believed in my strength, humiliated and humiliates me at every opportunity. Because of this, my personal life did not work out.

I'm divorced and have a child. She is fine with the child, she has no one (her father died). But for some reason it always controls me. She also belittles and insults with obscene words, raises her hands (throws her arms, legs).

I tried to live separately. Then I stabilizedhealth , nerve cells have been restored. Tearsmy mother returned me a month later. In the end, everything started all over again. She is always dissatisfied with something. Beats her chest, proving what a super mother she is. She says that all this is her merit.

I want to move away from her completely. But she begins to threaten that she will post my photos everywhere, that I am a thief and a fraudster (I honestly never had this happen). He also says that he will curse me.

Not life, but quiet horror. I'm tired. The only thing is that the child dotes on her.

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