My forbidden love

My forbidden love
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm a psychologist who fell in love with my client. Now the former. This cannot be done. Relations between us for the next 5 years are impossible. Ethics prohibits.

But all this is unimportant compared to the fact that he is actually gay. And I am incredibly drawn to him. I think about himevery day . I want to spend time with him. I want to touch him, communicate.

I can't share this with anyone. Colleagues will judge. Friends will also judge. After all, IMarried . But I can’t bear to restrain myself from writing to him once again on any more or less significant matter.

He is also reaching out to me. He watches all my stories and sometimes writes something. I feel like he likes me, but hardly as a woman. I feel from him, rather, respect and polite interest.

I miss him so much. I'm interested in himlife , his thoughts. And he keeps his distance. And I keep it. All the desires and suffering for him live inside me. Outwardly I am friendly, but not annoying.

It's terribly difficult to keep yourself within limits. I feel like I want to be around, but I don’t understand why. I am faced with the fact that he is actually not interested in me as a woman. We can't be friends either. If only secretly. But he may not need that either.

Pulls. Madly drawn to him. It's simply unbearable.

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