Can you change your destiny?

Can you change your destiny?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I must say right away that my story will be long, I just want to speak out. It's very hard for me now. When no one is around, I sit and quietly cry. I've been married for 2 years now. My husband and I met online. He seemed to be a simple, kind and cheerful person. We began to call each other, and after 2 weeks we met. Came to my city. It was just our women's springholiday . Gave me a bouquet of flowers and a new phone. Brought a bunch of goodies. For me it was a shock. No, not because they didn’t give me gifts at all, I was surprised that a person sees me for the first time and makes such gifts. Moreover, he is an ordinary student and far from being from a rich family. I immediately thought what a kind soul a person is. We spent 2 days together. In communication and behavior, he also turned out to be a fairly simple person, it was easy for me with him. Early in the morning we arrived at the station. He took one train, I took another. Each went his own way. But it wasn't the end, it was just the beginning.

We dated for 5 months Then he went to me, then I went to him. I sincerely loved and respected him for his unusualness and for his efforts. Somehow, even in order to meet me from the train in time, he walked half the city on foot at night in winter, since no transport was running at that time. After 5 months, he proposed to me. Just the day I graduated. Sitting on a bench on the embankment, when a lot of people were walking around, he knelt down and asked the long-awaited for mequestion . I was extremely happy. Literally a week later we submitted an application, and after 3 days we signed. All this we noted in the circle of his family and friends. There was no one from my side. Not because they didn't want to come. There were good enough reasons for that. To be honest, I was sad in my heart that on such an important day for me, my closest and dearest people were not around.

Why is everything so rushed, you ask? Both he and I had just graduated from educational institutions, and distribution was waiting for us. I will not go into details: we went to the place of my distribution. Everything turned out much better than we imagined. We were given a new apartment from work, we both went to work for the same company. To work - 2 minutes walk. It would seem that you can't think of a better one. Just live and be happy. We slowly began to settle down. What they bought themselves, what they took on credit, parents helped in some way.

So a year has passed. We were afraid to offend each other. And if there were quarrels, then they talked for a long time and always found the right solution. They tried to take him into the army several times, but, again, by a lucky chance, everything turned out as we needed. My parents really wanted to have a full wedding. Especially since we haven't gotten married yet. And this could serve as a very good reason to gather relatives and friends together. My mother immediately started a notebook, and plans and considerations began. I want to clarify that as myfamily and his family of ordinary average income. We did not count on something grandiose, but we wanted to do everything as it should.

And then the first serious quarrels began. I was brought up in a family where everyone is always used to doing everything properly and accurately. With my husband, things are a little different. They have phrases like "it will do," "it's okay." And then a proposal arose from their side: let's sit down and sit cleanly in the family circle and that's it. I was embarrassed to tears. Do I not deserve a white dress, a beautiful veil? Any girl from childhood already begins to dream about it. I knew perfectly well that they were having a difficult time with finances. Yes, we did not demand that money from them. My parents had to pay for their guests, my husband's parents had to pay for theirs. My husband and I ourselves paid for the photo, and for the video, and for the toastmaster. They bought their own clothes. Part of the money was given for food. Fully paid for the places for the guests from the husband's side. If only they had come to the wedding. In the end, the wedding went well. for most guests. For me personally, it still left a bitter aftertaste.

I until the end of my life will be extremely grateful to my family, my beloved mom for the huge help in all this celebration. We are not rich. For this wedding wemoney scraped in the bottom of the barrel. But we got them! As I remember now: there are boxes with cookies, sweets, fruits in the pantry, and we walk around, but no one could take even one little thing. They were afraid that it might not be enough. His relatives came the day before the wedding to have everything ready. I only found out after the wedding: his pretty relatives got to this pantry and ate as much as their hearts wished. And then another, and for that it was already more embarrassing, they sat at the table along with all the guests and pulled everything that could fit into the bag from the tables. Why so?

Now his parents often say: there was no need to make such a wedding, how much it cost! Of course, and this is said by those for whom it was paid and everything was done for them. Our wedding was in August, and already in September we found out that we would have a baby on We were in a hundredth heaven with happiness, because before that, she had been trying to get pregnant for almost a year. Mypregnancy was going well. I've read a bunch of stuff. I tried, I tried very hard to do everything right. At work, the salary was not always given on time. It was also such that they sat without bread. Fortunately, my parents sometimes sent money, although they themselves even more often sat without bread. Then I missed this moment. But now I understand perfectly well that I was blind.

I cried so many times throughout my pregnancy. Nobody knew about it. No one except my husband, who provoked these tears. I myself am very soft, if I quarrel with anyone, I always quickly leave. It often happened that I alone went to the hospital in the dark. The husband was tired after work or he did not have enough money for a ticket. Personally, I understand this: if you are a normal man, if you really love your wife, if you really value her, you will move mountains for her. Do not think that I was too capricious. I just needed a more gentle test-antibiotic.comrelationship to yourself. Didn't I deserve this, even if only for carrying his own child?

Somehow, without my knowledge, he lent his brother a decent amount of money. Exactly those that we debugged on credit. The brother prayed, asked that he would give everything back soon. As a result: we paid twice as much for the loan, but we still don’t see the money from those. I had to go to save, but again there is no money. We ask the same brother: please give us some of our money. We have helped you out at a difficult time. We then sat in the city for a very long time. We were waiting for him to send us the promised money. Eventuallythe husband could not stand it and called: “oh, I forgot.”

The child was born at term, they did me a caesarean. After the operation, it is unbearably difficult, you need to take care of the child. How then I dreamed of getting home as quickly as possible, where ourbeloved father and husband. Arrived the day before checkoutmom . And then they come to me and say: we are discharging you today. My happiness not was the limit. I called my husband: dear, we are being discharged today, pick us up as soon as possible. But instead of joy, I heard a sad question: how is it today? I hoped so much: there are a lot of balloons and flowers at home, he will arrive in a decorated car, with a bouquet of flowers. My husband has 5 kopecks in his pocket, he bought flowers for his mother's money and we went home by taxi. At home, the usual atmosphere awaited me. After the birth of our son, something began that continues to this day.

My mother came to help me for the first time, and for her own money she bought me food, because we had no money. How embarrassing for my mother. When he was still studying, he constantly also worked part-time. He gave the money he earned to his mother, then to his brother, then to his sisters. I don't mind. Help is needed if a person really needs it. The son created his own family, but the habits remained the same. Very often we sent money to his family. Motherright before the birth, she managed to borrow a decent amount from us, assuring us that she would give it back soon. We naturally gave, although itself had a lot to buy. As a result, I still have not seen this money. No matter how hard it was for my parents, they never took money from me, although I wanted to help them so many times. But how much did they manage to give us.

My husband started arguing with my mother, although before that they were in a normal relationship. He began to point out: but you are doing something wrong, but this is my son and I know better. Well, how can you know better if you have not raised a single child? I don’t want to defend myself, but my mother was very careful and careful with our son. His sisters began to call, then his mother began to call and teach me how to live and what to do. Why didn't you come and show me the right way? My mother could not stand these humiliations and went home, and there are almost 1000 km between us. My husband was away from work until the evening. It was so difficult for me: I didn’t have time to eat or clean up. I had a hard time after the operation. The words of my husband: it's okay, you're strong, you can handle it.

As a result, by cunning-wisdom, I went to my mother. And then, only for 3 weeks my husband let me go. During this time, he called me 200 times and asked when I would get out to his mother. If only he knew how much I didn't want to go there. My fault is that I can not defend my opinion. I suffer from this. Now I've been sitting with his parents for a week now. Here is hisa sister with a child who is teething and squealing all day. His mother is complex. We don't fight. But she is very touchy. Sometimes I say, quite calmly and gently: I'm sorry, you don't do that much, we always did this and that.

Если по-нормальному рассудить, могла бы ответить: ну хорошо, конечно, покажи, как. Так нет же, она бросает ребёнка и убегает, приговаривая: «вечно мы плохие, вечно мы всё делаем не так». И мой муж потом приходит и начинает воспитывать меня, нужно старших слушаться. Я ему пытаюсь доказать, что я в первую очередь мама этого ребёнка и каждый час я рядом с ним. Не всегда и не во всём, но иногда я лучше знаю, что нужно моему ребёнку. Он этого просто не понимает. Он мне давит на нервы. Его мама вечно психует. Моя мама дома места себе не находит. А своего мужа я просто не узнаю. Нет тех поступков. Иногда мне кажется, что ради родителей он готов гораздо на большее, чем ради нас с сыночком. Как-то его сестра приехала к нам в гости. Сломалась у нее машина. Так он всех обзвонил, всех нашёл, и деньги откуда-то взялись. А как нас сыном забирать с роддома, так просто развёл руками и проронил фразу: «а может, мы их завтра заберём».

Моя мама ездила к гадалке. Лично я сама против таких вещей и сама бы я никогда не решилась бы. Она сказала, что женился мой муж на мне неосознанно. Просто потому что понравилась и очень хорошая. Любви, как таковой нет. Он делает в первую очередь так, как ему хорошо, и как он хочет. Моё мнение он просто не учитывает. А если я начинаю возражать, то начинает со мной спорить и ругаться. Он двуличный человек. Сначала говорит, а потом думает. Говорит и не осознаёт, что он говорит, а потом как поругаемся, он начинает осознавать, что был не прав, но думает про себя: «пройдёт, у нее же мягкий характер, она всё простит». Дойдёт вплоть до того, что я ему начну тапочки подносить до кровати, а когда будем оставаться наедине, то может проявлять агрессию. Я несколько раз буду подавать на divorce , he won't give it to me. To my regret, this is true. Is it possible to change your destiny if you know your future?

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