Is it possible to forgive betrayal?

Is it possible to forgive betrayal?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Perhaps my story is as old as time and banal, but since we don’t have a psychologist in our town, I want to share it with you.

This happened on New Year's Eve. MyMy husband came home late at night from a corporate party, having drunk a lot. Went to bed with my clothes on. While I was trying to take off his clothes, I heard a text signal, usually I am not in the habit of going through his things, but this time I was directly drawn to look at the phone. I opened the SMS and saw a message from a certain Tatyana - “good night, kisses, I love you.”

I re-read it 10 times, I couldn’t believe it was true. To say that they stuck a knife in my back after 10 years of marriage and three children is not minethe body seemed to have been worn out for years, and the heart had been trampled upon. I was either shaking or feeling hot. My husband was sleeping peacefully, and I didn’t want to wake him up or hit him. On the contrary, I wanted to hug him so much, and I had a feeling that I didn’t want to give him to anyone.

In the morning I told him about this SMS, he laughed and said that it was just flirting and he didn’t sleep with her, although I didn’t believe him. Honestly, at that moment, I really wanted to drink, although I’m not a drinker.I hardly drink alcohol . Thank God I didn't get caught up in it, it seemed like a bad idea.

Yes, someone will say, women are to blame for being cheated on! But I also missed his care, attention and affection, and, nevertheless, I did not go looking for another man.

It's been 2 years since then. My husband has changed, he began to care about me more,every day he says he loves me. But every time he doesn't pick up or is delayed, guess what my first thought is? Correct: “he’s with another woman.” And I’m scared that even on my deathbed, I will remember the time I didn’t live with , not his children, but his betrayal! Although I love him very much!

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