Can this husband’s behavior be called cheating?

Can this husband’s behavior be called cheating?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

A situation has arisen that I have not been able to cope with for several months now, and I have not yet found a solution either. Married for over 15 years, have an adultchild . Everything is fine in the relationship.

Months agomy husband asked me how I would feel about the fact that he would communicate with another girl,The question puzzled me and I didn’t answer anything intelligible. And after a while, I accidentally overheard him talking to someone on the phone late at night, and he admitted that he was communicating with a girl, said her name, age, that she was from another city. And what is itcommunication does not affect our family and his attitude towards me. He’s just caught up in the routine, he needs new emotions and this helps him.

This has been going on for several months, and periodically I have breakdowns. I cannot adequately perceive the situation when we are sitting in the same room, and he is texting with her. Or he goes to another room in the evening to do this. I don't know what they're talking about. But the fact of communication is not hidden from me. He never leaves by phone. He doesn’t understand why I don’t like it, because there is nothing except talking on the phone. When I suggested the opposite situation, where I communicate with someone in the same conditions, he said that he would not like it. But he can't stop. He needs it.

I tried not to focus my attention on this, but it helps for a while. I try to spend all my free time together. But so far to no avail. It’s hard to talk to him about this topic. His position: on oursIt doesn’t affect relationships , it doesn’t apply to you, it’s not about you, learn to share. I have a different point of view. It seems to me that if a person is looking for something on the side, it means he lacks it. And I can’t find a solution to this situation when they don’t say what the reason is. And I don’t see any point in delaying the decision any further. If communication has been going on for several months, then there is an increasing chance of some kind of development.

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