Is it possible to resurrect our relationship with a guy?

Is it possible to resurrect our relationship with a guy?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


I haverelationship with a guy has been going on for 7 years. At first he stubbornly looked after me, for about a year. At that time I was going through a turning point, since my dearest dad died, there was bitterness in my soul, it was lonely. And somehow he became like family to me. And everything for me, and also for him. Was the first. A year and a half later, he left to study in another country. But we could not be without each other, and he came back after 10 months - he did it as a surprise. They were very happy, loved very much and were like an ideal couple.

But after that, a few months later, I began to find correspondence with other girls. He asked for forgiveness, begged that he did not need anyone but me, and that he just wanted to be friends with them in order to have popularity. I stopped writing to one - others appeared, but I forgave each time. Endless quarrels began, I became jealous of him with or without reason.

It's time for me to study in another country. The term was normal - only 6 months, but he did not wait for me. He began to treat me coldly, and one fine day he said that he was dating another, and that he was falling in love, and could not survive unnecessary quarrels with me. I forgave him in my heart, although it was very difficult, I graduated from the program and came home.

They were then in a relationship for a month and a half, but he left her, came to me and said that he understood how dear our relationship was to him. I took it back because I already forgave it. He triedregain my trust, but I can no longer trust him, as before, I can not. Gradually, he began to treat me selfishly, because I no longer believe him and do not appreciate his efforts, and he feels it.

I returned back to another country and our relations with him became very cold. Correspondence with some girl surfaced again. He explained that this was due to my lack of affection, while he was trying to resurrect our feelings for each other.

We are tired of quarrels and trying to return everything. I don't know what to do next. I can't imagine life without him. A temporary separation would help, but I'm afraid to once again find out about his new deceptions. What should I do?


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