My husband often calls me by the name of his ex-wife

My husband often calls me by the name of his ex-wife
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

MyMy husband has a child from his first marriage. I just can't come to terms with this. I am constantly haunted by the thought that he was happy in that marriage, they even gave birth to a child.

We recently started living in his parents' house and constantly talk about this boy. There are also many photos from my husband's past. My mother-in-law doesn't remove them because she likes them. Plus they communicate well with his ex-wife. And sometimes they ask to come over for tea, but for now, thank God, she refuses.

Plus the fact that this boy is brought in very often, and he runs everywhere, while everyone is happy except me. During his visit, the husband communicates only with him. We recently had a baby together. My husband said that with the advent of my child, I would love him.

But that didn't happen. On the contrary, I began to treat the boy even worse. He constantly reminds me that my husband hadrelationships ,family . We have a civilianmarriage , and this worries me very much. I spoke with my husband, he replies that after the first unsuccessful marriage, he is not ready for a second one, but it still takes time, that he will not abandon the child, and will always communicate with his ex-wife, since shemother and hefather _ That, despite all this, he is with me.

But this doesn't suit me. I am constantly freaking out, so much so that I no longer see a future with my husband. After all, this situation will always exist. Daily calls from the ex-wife, visits from the boy. Talking about him and her husband's past. As my father-in-law put it, I’m nobody, at leastthere was a wife . This really offends me. My husband also sometimes calls me by the name of his ex-wife, plus on holidays he gives her gifts from memory, as he says. Help,Jealousy of her and the boy is simply killing me.

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