Husband spoiled his son with money

Husband spoiled his son with money
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We have been living with my husband for 10 years, two children, 5 and 8 years old. We met my husband when he was already divorced for 5 years, from his first marriageson (at that time he was 15 years old).

The husband left the family himself, but tried not to limit his son in anything. Expensive phones, branded clothes from childhood, pocket expenses, vacations for several months abroad. He spoiled his son very much and considered him special, chosen.

Alexey, studied abroad, but studied poorly, my husband and I translatedmoney on his card, they often disappeared in an unknown direction, he skipped school and, as a result, he was expelled from England for not attending an educational institution. I triedTo reason with my husband that, supposedly, there is no need to spoil my son like that, but in response he was told that I should mind my own business, and that I don’t understand anything about this and the boy should have been living in almost normal conditions since childhood. The husband paid for his studies again, and Lyosha somehow graduated from the university.

Then we rented him an apartment there, I thought that he could live in a hostel, butmy husband didn’t want to hear about it, he said it wasn’t prestigious. As a result, the son began to bring strange companies to his apartment, he did not want to work, the husband sponsored him with money, began to smoke, you know what, and said that he had not yet decided in life, let dad help.

I, in turn, moved away from this issue so as not to irritate my husband, well, if that’s the case, then why bother with advice. As a result, the son did not work and returned to our hometown. He said that he couldn’t find himself and didn’t want to work yet. He asks to buy him his own apartment, at least a one-room apartment. But that's okay.

From mutual acquaintances, I accidentally learned that he was involved in drug use, there were rumors about him as a drug addict and alcoholic. My husband hides it, and I don’t ask. But he has become very inadequate, he does not look entirely healthy, with some kind of aggression. I get scared, what if he gets involved with some bad company and brings them to us. It does not work anywhere, it is completely contained by dad.

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