My husband doesn't support me, he only criticizes me.

My husband doesn't support me, he only criticizes me.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm very sorry thatMy husband doesn't support me, especially when it comes to my work. I have a creative background and am a manager of small construction projects. Mistakes happen in every project, but my team and I solve them, sometimes successfully, sometimes we have to pay in rubles from our own pockets. I work on the principle “if the client is in the black and you are in the black, you make money; if the client is in the red and you are in the black, you rob him.”

Very often my husband pokes me with my joints, but does not notice that my profit is much higher. He has a prestigious job, so my contribution to the family budget is not noticeable, especially since my income is usually in foreign currency and is used to buy a car or pay an installment bill for housing.

I’m offended, I love him, but he can say in front of his friends: “How much do you earn there if you constantly have problems?” I once met a guy who believed in me, even came up with a logo for my company and made a business card website, and said that I would succeed But my husband doesn’t believe in me, and because of this he gives up. Previously, when troubles happened, I went to my friend, we drank wine, and I shared my plans and dreams with him. The husband cuts everything at the root. “Dear, I found cheap tickets to Barcelona,” I say, and in response: “Have you thought how much more we will pay for the hotel and food?” And it’s very irritating, as if I’m some kind of stupid sheep.

And I drive badly, and I do this wrong, and this. This is terribly infuriating. Today, a friend of ours explained to me how profit from the sale of a product is obtained and calculated (he has his own business), I was terribly interested, my husband asked irritably: “Why do you need it if you won’t need it anywhere?” The most annoying thing is that he doesn’t see the need to investmoney for my website, advertising, etc.

When I needed courses in the profession, I simply knocked out of him a miserable 500 bucks. At the same time, I have a duplicate of his card, according to which he does not limit me in small purchases up to 30 dollars. Food, cosmetics, care, training. And for a 5 dollar car it can cost a lot of money for a child, because we bought a construction set for our son a month ago. At the same time, I don’t spend a lot, I don’t like shopping and I prefer quality basic things. I don't understand thisrelationship husband , I want to be with a person who supports me and does not limit me.

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