My husband doesn't trust me and hides his income

My husband doesn't trust me and hides his income
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

This is the first for memarriage , formy third husband , we have a child together, my husband has children from two previous marriages. My husband constantly hides his income and salary.

We wanted to buy a more spacious apartment,my husband said that there was not enough money. I sold the dacha, which I inherited from my grandfather, and ended up buying a large apartment.

Since my husband has adult children from previous marriages, I asked the apartment to be registered in my name, I was afraid that our child would not inherit it because of his children. My husband really didn’t want to formalize anything, despite the fact that I had invested hugemoney from the dacha. In the end, he said that he would register his share for our child. I had no choice but to arrange it the way he said, that isThe apartment is half for me, half for the child. It is impossible to sell before adulthood, in which case it is impossible, our child is small, his children are already adults, 28, 25 and 29 years old. Everyone is provided for by their husband. I didn’t take her away from my family; my husband was divorced.

A year later, I found out that my husband had a very good salary; there were many projects during the period of time when we bought an apartment. Then my husband began to hide his income, constantly underestimating it, and when I hinted at saving money for our child, for example, for his education, my husband said that he wanted all his funds to go to all children in equal parts. And in general, he believes that it is necessary to raise his children, because they will be able to help our child in the future. And I actually, somehow.

That is, my husband considers me an absolute stranger for some reason, and is constantly afraid that something might fall into my lap and get it from him. Why is this attitude towards me? I didn’t do anything bad to him, on the contrary, I believed and sold my property, which was before marriage, so that our family would feel good. How can this be?

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