My husband insists that I quit my job and take care of his mother

My husband insists that I quit my job and take care of his mother
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I lived with my husband for 3 years and it’s good that we don’t have children with him, otherwise it would be really difficult now. This is the secondmarriage for both me and him, we are the same age - we are 44 years old.

At first I liked that he treated his mother with respect. It seemed to me that since he respects hismother , that means he will be a good husband. But the longer I lived with him, the more I realized that he was just a mama’s boy. He would choose her over me in any situation. From the very first days of our life together, we went every weekend to her village - either to dig, or to weed, or to build. There were always things to do. She always said: “You will get everything, you do it for yourself.” When I tried to argue that we didn’t need a house in the village, I was offended and told my husband that I was ungrateful. The husband took on any work with zeal. Sometimes I asked him to stay home for the weekend, to be alone. To which he constantly replies: “What are you talking about? Mom is waiting for us. We can't let her down."

Some workers look forward to Friday; they associate it with relaxation and a pleasant pastime. And I just hate her, because I know that tomorrow we will get up in the morning and go to my mother-in-law. Once it even happened that I got sick, caught a cold, tried to tell my husband that I wouldn’t go to my mother, I’d rest at home. But he still forced me to go: “You can rest with your mother. There is nature there, the air is clean.” With my heart creaking, I went. But, of course, I didn’t have to lie there. As a result, I then spent a week on sick leave.

Two months ago, my mother-in-law had a stroke, the health situation is bad, how it will be resolved is still unknown. And my husband came up with a “great” idea for me to quit my job and go to his mother to help. He says that this is only for a while, that she will get better, and there will be no need to live there, she just needs to support the person during a difficult period. The husband presses for pity - like, “This isMom , she has no one else but us. It is my filial duty to help her.” I tell him: “then go yourself and help, since it’s a duty.” But he makes an excuse by saying that he makes good money in the city, unlike me. I have a really meager salary; I work as a cook in a canteen. And he will be able to provide for us all well, and will come on weekends.

Honestly, I'm terribly confused. Right away I didn’t even take his words seriously, but he wasn’t joking. On the one hand, I understand that an elderly person has serioushealth problems and he really needshelp . But why is it that I should be the one to help? To be honest, I don’t like his mother, she just infuriates me, I don’t want to communicate with her and, especially, live with her. The option of moving the mother-in-law to the city is not discussed, since she does not want to live in a city apartment and is not ready to leave her home and household.

But what should I do in this situation? I think that if I refuse to look after my mother-in-law, my life with my husband will not work out any further. But we lived well. And what chances do I have to re-arrange my personallife in your fifties? So I will remain alone, I have no children.

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