Husband named his daughter after his ex-girlfriend

Husband named his daughter after his ex-girlfriend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I've been married for 10 years. Strong happy friendlyfamily . The husband is reliable, smart, handsome, well-mannered, he doesn’t earn much money, but he tries. Three children - a boy and two girls.

I don't work, if we don't have enough money, then myMother . She has her own business, her parentsyour husband . Only they love not their husband more, but his older brother, they all work together and the best pieces of work always go to the older brother. This upsets my husband , but somehow I don’t care, we have enough. I don’t understand at all how you can compete with your own brother?

I'm the only one in the familychild , and I would really like to have brothers and sisters, but I only have cousins. Maybe that’s why I’ve always wanted to have many children since childhood. Childbirth was easy for me, I quickly got into shape, and I never gained excess weight. I look attractive, I take care of myself. My husband supported me in my desire to create a large family. Enjoys playing with children. Everything was just perfect for us The only downside is that you have to pay the mortgage for the apartment. Tired of hanging around rented apartments, we bought a two-room apartment in my husband’s city, where we live and work. Therefore, you have to save money.

And then, at the stage of the birth of the third daughter, an unpleasant surprise arose. My husband, as always, was happy about the child, supported me during pregnancy, everything was fine. And then, when they began to decide what to name the girl, he suggested calling her Snezhana. This is supposedly his favorite name. I didn't mind.

They named it. And then I accidentally find out that his firstLove was the name of another girl whom he once liked very much. That is, I knew about these girls in his past, but I didn’t know what their names were. In the first year after the wedding, my husband told me a lot about the first love with which he hadrelationship 5 years before me. And then they broke up, it seemed like she exchanged him for someone. She was his first, and I was second in terms of intimacy. And so he had sympathies with several other girls, with with whom things did not come to a relationship, and there was no intimacy. He especially remembered one of them for its cockroaches in the head and unpredictable character. He kept saying that he was very glad that I was so calm and reliable, not like her. She was the first to confess her love to him, but he rejected her because he had already met me. Well, after our wedding she congratulated him on the holidays. He showed no interest in communication, and she stopped writing.

The husband did not want to say what their names were. But the other day I let it sliphis brother's wife . In a conversation with my husband about our daughter, I remembered that his first girlfriend was also named Snezhana, and that such a rare name. He replied that he also had Snezhana at work, so it was not that rare. I then asked him what kind of Snezhana was at work. He replied: “the one who confessed her love to me, but I refused her.” It hit me like a dust bag. Now I want and think that he didn’t forget one of these girls, he still remembers and loves.

I wanted to get some advice, from the outside it’s still clearer which of these two it could be. And can it really be thatthe man named his daughter after one of his exes. I thought this only happened to women. And why then didn’t he name his first daughter that way, namely his second? Doesn't this mean that he has just now resumedromance with this girl.

I suffer from jealousy. I don’t want to talk to my husband yet. Now I just hate my youngest daughter’s name, but you can’t call it anything else, the documents have already been drawn up.

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