Does your husband not give gifts, does that mean he doesn’t love you?

Does your husband not give gifts, does that mean he doesn’t love you?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

What to do with a husband who doesn't give gifts? On the one hand, this is a trifle, on the other hand, it seems to me that this is a sign of a lack of love for me.

We have been married for 5 years. Relationships are quite complicated. My husband is a stingy person by nature, he does not spare money only for his relatives, but he likes to save on himself and on me for company.

At the time of marriage, we basically had enough money. Both worked, the budget was common, my income was not much less than my husband’s, I could buy what I needed and what I wanted, he almost never commented on this. Then I went on maternity leave, there was not enough money,My husband began to treat me worse; apparently, the first outburst of feelings had subsided. Complaints began that a lot of money was spent on food (I eat little, I feed him so much that I don’t leave the stove, naturally, the money spent is considerable, plus expenses for the child, for doctors, for utilities).

From time to time my husband expresses his suspicions to me that I am probably hiding from himmoney and excuse myself by buying food. If possible, I present receipts from the store (at one time I collected them, although it was annoying that I had to report), if I didn’t save the receipts, I make an excuse. At the same time, it happened that I caught him hiding money from me. But this doesn't bother him. This, of course, stresses me out, and I dream of going to work, but for nowthe child is too small, and I don’t trust nannies.

And at the same time there was a change with holidays and gifts. The first years of marriage, we regularly congratulated each other onbirthday , March 8, men's holiday. They gave each other gifts (I myself chose something expensive and good for my husband, but for minebirthday and women’s day, he didn’t come up with anything himself, he asked me what I wanted, and usually it was something not particularly expensive - flowers, a book, a blouse). I could also organize a trip to a cafe myself to make it more fun for my husband to spend time together. On New Year's Day, he tried not to congratulate me, because his family only celebrated Christmas. But even at Christmas it usually happened that I was given a box of chocolates or some small thing. I gave him expensive gifts for both New Year and Christmas.

It was also my angel day (my husband’s angel day does not exist in nature), I got used to being congratulated on this day by both household andColleagues. This was not accepted in my husband’s family. He immediately explained this to me and tried not to congratulate me, I was offended, in the end he could congratulate me with a chocolate or just words. I didn’t need much, because the main thing was attention. What offended me was that he didn’t even want to congratulate me with words without my special request. There was also St. Nicholas Day, to which my husband attached great importance, because in his family it was one of the biggest holidays in the sense that a grand feast was held and gifts were given to children. In my family it was customary to give each other some small thing, even a chocolate bar. As a result, my husband and I gave each other a chocolate bar, he could buy a cake, because this day, in addition to everything else, was the day we met, and he supposedly treasured this. On Valentine's Day, we also exchanged chocolates or went to a cafe.

After I go on maternity leave, it somehow always turns out that I save money in advance for all the holidays, I still give expensive serious gifts for my husband’s birthday, New Year and Christmas, and little things for minor holidays. My husband began to get off with flowers and chocolates for major holidays, and he doesn’t save money for gifts for me. Every time it somehow turns out that my salary has not yet been given for my birthday, and then it is given 2 days later, but my husband no longer remembers that it was just my birthday.

My husband began to ignore minor holidays altogether. When I express my resentment, I say that this is important to me, my husband makes a puzzled face, I feel that he is angry, but remains silent, then turns the conversation to another topic. As a result, I feel awkward, that I am demanding something, some kind of love, respect, gifts, at least out of politeness, in return. I never thought that all this would spoil me so muchlife _ You won't get divorced because of this, of course. But I feel that there is no love and respect for me, no desire to please me, no, he is indifferent to my insults.

When I say that because of insults (not only about gifts, but also about larger issues) I stop trusting my husband, am afraid of him, love and respect him less, my husband does not react to this. He doesn't seem to care. I also decided not to congratulate him on anything or just take the money, if there is any, and buy something for myself, and just let my husband know that I congratulated myself on his behalf. But I don't like this behavior. To be fair, I would like to add that this year I made two major purchases for myself - a leather jacket and a gold ring. I needed a jacket for the fall, I could buy something cheap, but I’m slowly preparing to go to work and visit various public places with the child (kindergarten, parent-teacher meetings at school, visits to the doctor), so I would like look respectable

I look very young, like a girl, although I am 33 years old and if I am dressed casually, then those around me treat me extremely disrespectfully, apparently, they think that I am very young and have no right to vote. In respectable clothesthe attitude is different, as I have already seen. In short, I wanted an expensive jacket because of my complexes and with the expectation of wearing it for many years. All the rest of my clothes I wear are old. I dreamed about a ring for a year, I once bought earrings when I was married, when I was still working, and, well, I had an engagement ring. Again, I was thinking about respectability, I plan to wear it only on special occasions, I wanted to please myself with something at least once in a hundred years. My husband agreed to buy it for me out of superstition. He fell ill with coronavirus, was afraid of complications, I joked that, they say, buy me that ring, and there will be no complications. He promised out of fear, and he kept his word. It's funny, but it's true.

That is, formally, my husband, with all his stinginess and pickiness about spending on food, still allowed me to buy these things. But this is the story with the holidays; his indifference scares me. For some reason, it already seems to me that he understands perfectly well that I am offended, and deliberately annoys me, knowing that I cannot do anything about it, I will be upset and cry. He just has a tendency to deliberately piss him off and upset him so that the person will cry, become hysterical, and become nervous. Just some kind of energy vampire.

How do they congratulate you, and how do you congratulate your spouses? Do you think that in my situation this is all nonsense and is it worth it at all?forget about the holidays, since my husband is leading me to this, or does this still mean that I am an empty place for my husband, and nothing more good should be expected from him in marriage?

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