Husband can't let go of the past

Husband can't let go of the past
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I started dating as teenagers and have been together for over 7 years. At the beginning of our relationship we broke up, and it so happened that I hadsex with another.

This was a mistake. Later he tried to get together with me, but I told him what happened, and he still got together with me. A year later he cheated on me too. And now he says he has no regrets. And I don’t know how to feel about this, I regret my action, but everything is simple for him. After all these years, he says that he cannot trust me, we already have several children, during the marriage I did not communicate with anyone at all and did not give reasons. Perhaps there was something during the relationship, but nothing serious happened anymore.

Overall, I wouldn't saymarriage is bad, but sometimesmy husband reeks of such infantilism. Previously, he often broke down in quarrels and became very irritated, to the point of damaging property. Now he has settled down, but he told me that he regrets marrying me. And he walks around as if nothing had happened, comes to me and pesters me every hour.

And I'm talking aboutdivorce I think. How can you be with a person who considers you his mistake? Althoughlove is there, sex is there, everything is there. But it’s normal for him to say such things, he says there’s nothing wrong with it. I do not know what to do.

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