The husband has not forgiven his daughter and does not recognize his grandson and son-in-law

The husband has not forgiven his daughter and does not recognize his grandson and son-in-law
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I have two grown children. Happyfamily , strongmarriage . But 6 years ago something happened that divided ourlife in terms of “before” and “after”.

Olderdaughter divorced her first husband and leftmarried her lover and gave birth to a son with him. MyThe husband could not understand and accept this. With daughterthe relationship practically faded away. For him, this is a shame and terrible dirt. He didn’t recognize his new son-in-law and didn’t even let him in the door. Same with my grandson. He didn’t recognize his grandson and doesn’t want to see or know his daughter’s family (grandson and son-in-law). I go to them to sit with my grandson and babysit him. I love everyone and try to establish peace in the family, but nothing.

The daughter is terribly worried and crying. I tried to explain to my father, but he refused to understand and listen. Treason ,betrayal , period.

Two years after his daughter’s wedding, he married andson . Now we also have twin granddaughters. The husband simply adores them and dotes on them, but his grandson and son-in-law do not recognize and do not accept them in any way.

The reason, I think, is not only in principles and moral qualities. Firstly,my husband and his sister were abandoned by my own familymother , and he alone carried his family from an early age (little sister and sick grandmother). They lived as best they could. Then there was the first unsuccessful marriage,my wife cheated with her boss and they divorced. Her husband didn’t even go to her funeral many years later. For the husband, these are all traumas that come from the past. She and her daughter communicate, but the husband behaves with restraint, coldness and aloofness. For my daughter, this is all very difficult and painful, but nothing can be changed.

To tell the truth, I have the same views as my husband. Even my new son-in-law should be better off, and even more so in comparison with my former son-in-law. But the daughter and grandson are our children and I have come to terms with her choice and action, or something. But my husband categorically does not accept this. This is how we live.

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