My husband doesn't work and doesn't even intend to look for work

My husband doesn't work and doesn't even intend to look for work
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 22 years old,married for 3 years, no children yet,My husband doesn’t work and isn’t even looking for a job. He and I were good friends before we got married andthe relationship was very good and trusting. Now we live with his parents, andMy parents have been giving me money for clothes and for my needs for 3 years now. He didn't buy me anything and didn't even earn a penny. At first I didn’t ask him, I didn’t demand anything, we lived with his parents, then we moved to another country where my parents live because he said that there was no work here, where we live.

We left, lived at the expense of my parents, rented an apartment, our parents helped us, taking into account until my husband started working, but several months passed, but he was not looking and did not even want to work. I offered him a job, looked for him, but he didn’t want anything. Then he said that he wanted to go back to his parents, and that he would work there, we arrived and we have been here for two years, but nothing has changed, he is not looking, he does not like any work. Sometimes the salary is small, sometimes it’s far away, sometimes something else.

At first I spoke to him very calmly, I said that he was good, strong, smart and he would definitely succeed, you just had to try and he would get the hang of it, but nothing helped: neither heart-to-heart conversations, nor myunderstanding , no patience, no quarrel. Now he says that there is no work here again, and that we will go there back to my parents and he will find a job there. But before going there, he once again makes sure that there is nothing there, but I say that he has been here for 2 years and is this really not enough to make sure. He says that he likes living here, and therefore until he understands for sure that there is nothing good here, he will not go.

I want children, I want a normal family, his parents are also tired of him not working and playing games all day and lying on the couch. They also argue with him and tell him how long he can sit without work. They understand me very well, we have a very good relationship, and they love me very much. I told him yesterday that if he doesn’t go with me there to my parents, there is work there, and he definitely can’t find an excuse, I tell him, let’s go, start all over again, we’ll work together, I’ll help you with everything. We’ll rent an apartment and live there, have children and everything will be fine, because we don’t even have conflicts about anything else, only because of his unemployment.

But I understand perfectly well that this cannot continue, his parents are already old, they can barely go to work, it is very difficult for them and they are not even healthy. Soon they will not be able to go to work at all, and what will happen then when this happens or how to have children if he doesn’t even have 10 rubles in his pocket. The last step is that I set a condition for him yesterday, that either I leave alone, or we go together and work and live normally at our own expense, to which he replied: “You set conditions for me now, as you dare you set conditions for me? I tell him: “Are you coming with me or should I leave alone?” - he says: “leave once you set the conditions.” But I can’t do it any other way, because he’s just playing for time, and I’m tired of waiting for him to decide something, and that’s why I set conditions for him. And now I don’t know if I did the right thing or not, should I have waited longer or not, should I drop everything and leave, divorce him?

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