The husband does not want to work, but lives on his mother’s money

The husband does not want to work, but lives on his mother’s money
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

After the wedding, my husband and I settled with his parents. When I went on maternity leave with my little son,The relationship with my mother-in-law, previously strained, has completely deteriorated. If I bought clothes for myself, my mother-in-law said that I should save money, because shemy son works alone, especially since I don’t go anywhere. The husband preferred not to interfere.

When my son went to school, we moved to the apartment that my grandmother left me. My parents prudently registered it in their name; apparently, they wanted to protect me from division during a divorce. The husband didn’t care, but the mother-in-law said that her son was not the boss here, and therefore was not obligated to do anything. It turned out that I provided my family with housing, and he had to live on everything that was ready.

The son got married, lives separately, andmy husband was left without work. At first he reassured me that he would quickly find another, but after three months I realized that he was so comfortable. When I insisted on looking for a job, he said that he would help a friend in the garage, and he promised to pay. I didn’t see the money, but my husband often came home drunk. The last straw was that he once asked when my salary was due, otherwise he needed to repay a debt to a friend. I was dumbfounded by such impudence and asked why he tookmoney if you have nothing to give. The answer was simply original: “Why should I deny myself everything?” Then I gave an ultimatum about separate meals. He immediately complained to his mother. When my mother-in-law came to the showdown, I offered to support my son on my pension, if she was so compassionate.

For almost six months now, my mother-in-law has been bringing food to her husband, and every time she tries to cook something tasty to show me that he eats even better without me. I don’t know where she gets the money and how much she will have, but what amazes me is not so much her mother-in-law (mother after all) as much as husband. Isn’t it a shame to sit at home supported by an elderly mother? And now I’m thinking why I need it at all. The apartment is mine, let him move in with his parents so that his mother doesn’t have to run around with pots across the city. Quarantine ends, I'll apply fordivorce . Even if he finds a job, I simply cannot live with him anymore.

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