Husband doesn't want to fire his secretary

Husband doesn't want to fire his secretary
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My name is Anna, I am 30 years old. I havefamily -husband and daughter. Please help me understand my situation, it is impossible for me to understand it myself.

My husband and I started everything like in a fairy tale:love , sincerity, complete understanding. Then they decided to live together, soon he made an offer, then a wedding, the birth of a daughter ... The husband holds a high position, works as a director in a large successful company.

Somehow, from old acquaintances, I learned that the woman who works as his immediate secretary was his mistress for a long time, even before our relationship. But a few months before our wedding, 4 years ago, I saw a message from her on his phone in which she sent him her photo. I felt something was wrong, because it’s not normal for me when a girl for no reason sends her photo to a strange man, and even to her boss.

The husband said that he had met her before, but why she sends him her photo, then he did not explain to me. I think that this should not be, it turns out that he himself gave a reason for her? However, 5 years have passed and this woman is still his secretary. It is in his power to fire her, but for some reason he does not do this. It is very unpleasant for me that he leaves for work, and from 9 am to 7 pm he sees his former mistress. I repeatedly asked my husband to fire her, I said that this affects the psychological situation in our house, in the family. The husband does not agree, although he could transfer her to any other unit. She hasn't sent him any more photos since then. When I come to work for him, the secretary avoids me, I have noticed this more than once.

Advise me how to be? Do not pay attention or still get her fired? Thank you.

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