My husband never calls me by name

My husband never calls me by name
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I read here confessions of young mothers who don’t likechild's name . I believe that when choosing a name, you need to take into account not your preferences, but think about howthe child will live with him for the rest of his lifelife . The combination with the patronymic is also important. I never liked, for example, Sergei Sergeevich, or even worse, Konstantin Konstantinovich. But I am one of them, even though I am a woman. They called me Valentina, andMy father is Valentin, so I am Valentina Valentinovna. As mine sayshusband , you can't imagine anything worse. And this is exactly my problem.

When we met my future husband, he always called me affectionate words, such as bunny, sunshine, kitten, baby. I noticed that he never calls me by name, but I didn’t pay attention to it until we got married. I began to notice that if my husband talks about me to one of his friends or our parents (even in my presence), he never says my name, he always sayswife or spouse. One day I couldn’t stand it and asked why he was doing this. This happened,, when he called me from the kitchen at home, saying: “wife, when is lunch there?” That's when I couldn't stand it. At first my husband refused, saying that he was just used to it, but then he said that he didn’t like my name to such an extent that he was even disgusted to pronounce it.

I burst into tears, I was offended, it wasn’t my fault that my parents called me that. Although I don't think it's such a bad name. Yes, I agree that in combination with a middle name it sounds terrible, but after all,There is no need for my husband to call me that, I’m not his boss or a school teacher. Afterwards he apologized, saying that I should present my complaints to my parents, not to him. But I don’t understand why he didn’t leave me then, but decided to get married, if my name caused him such hostility, if not disgust? I love my husband and have never thought about his name, even when the children were born and their first and patronymic names were written down on the birth certificate. I don’t know what to do now. My husband sometimes calls me by name, but I understand that he does this out of necessity. I never thought that there could be such a problem in family relationships.

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