My husband communicates with children from previous marriages and tells them everything about our family.

My husband communicates with children from previous marriages and tells them everything about our family.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 35 years old,my husband is 20 years older. This is his third with memarriage .

At first everything was fine, we met the childrenhusband from previous marriages, then it became so that ourMy husband began to discuss problems with them, called me names in front of them, in general, did everything so that the children understood that not everything was going smoothly with us.

At times it was very unpleasant for me, sometimes to the point of tears, but I didn’t want my husband to bring our problems to his children, especially since the children told everything to their mothers, that is, my husband’s ex-wives, and yes, I don’t hide the fact that this is unpleasant for me.

In the end, I decided that let my husband communicate with his children without my presence, I don’t want the details of our quarrels to be in full view for ex-wives and their children. My husband doesn’t like this option, and I don’t like it, but I respect myself and mylife .

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