The husband was not who he said he was

The husband was not who he said he was
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 27 years old, a year and a half ago I met a man from another city. I have my own business,I have money , but I wanted a strong and independent person next to me.

He had a good car, a job, and at first nothing aroused suspicion. He didn't say much, but I thought he was just a man of few words. He invited me to live with him in his city, and I snapped, because the sympathy was very great and before that I had come across mama’s boys and balabols.

He gave me expensive gifts, took me everywhere, and kept telling me how he wanted a family, children, and so on. It’s a long story, but after living for some time with his relatives in the apartment (I sold my share in the business and rushed to see him, and his apartment was supposedly a bummer), I began to understand that everything he said was a lie.

He gave me gifts on credit cards, a lot of debts, a car on credit andthe apartment belongs to his father, who has been feeding him for a year and a half with promises that he will transfer it to him. I learned all this gradually, and every time he prayedforgive him and find some excuses. Just at this moment, the partner to whom I sold the share calls me and says that he cannot cope with the work. I end up moving back with the condition that I buy the business completely, he decides to move with me. There were feelings, and I wanted to believe, again a lot of words, that he would cope with the job and so on.

But after a while I find out that he needs round sums every month, he takes them from the business, because now we work together. Everything was complicated by the fact that I became pregnant. One day I took his phone and saw a huge loan debt that would have to be paid off for who knows how long. I gave an ultimatum: II’m pregnant , the apartment is rented, you have nothing but debts, you won’t get any more money, either sell the car and cover the debts, or disappear from my life. I thought she would disappear, but no, she sold the car, paid off her debts and came back to me.

Now I’m almost in my ninth month, we don’t have a schedule, all that is there is my business, but I thought he could manage it, and I’m calmly leavingpregnancy , but in fact it turned out that she couldn’t and couldn’t do anything. He has nothing,My father keeps feeding me with promises about an apartment; we now live in a rented apartment. If I start asking, he says that he can’t do anything because he can’t leave me, I’m pregnant, he has to help me here, otherwise he would have gone to his place a long time ago and solved his problems there.Problems . Of the pros and cons: a good one, as an assistant, if you say it a hundred times, it will do it, if you don’t say it, it won’t do it. He can be affectionate, he has hands, but he assembles all the furniture with scandals, he swears constantly and goes wild before our eyes, sometimes his anger is completely out of nowhere. Smokes a lot and eats all kinds of nonsense, then complains abouthealth , sleeps poorly at night. In the heat of a quarrel, he can call me the last words, say that he is abandoning the child, and say things that make my ears curl. Then he apologizes.

We are the same age, I have always been on a healthy diet, went to the gym, I have a higher education and a great desire to develop. He turned out to be a very limited person, everything about him is black or white, at work you need to steal and work without qualifications and all sorts of idiotic concepts, foul language and so on. At the beginning of the relationship, he apparently wore a mask. I put up with everything, try to adapt, convince myself that the child needs a father. But sometimes a wave of despair just hits me, especially when I hear his aggressive nonsense, and I think what awaits me next. Sometimes he is very kind and caring, helps and asks for forgiveness, and this only makes it even more unpleasant, since I understand that all his words are worthless.

Now I’m thinking what should I do next, he says that my father will sign off on the apartment, and we will move to his city, and we will pay the mortgage with money from the business, he says that he needs a child and he will take care of him. But I don’t trust him at all and for a long time I’m not sure that I want to be with him. Before meeting him, I relied only on myself and wanted to save up for an apartment, now I’m wondering why needs all this. I’m crying, I regret that I didn’t break up, but now there will be a child soon, and I can’t run my business as before. I don’t know how to continue to live.

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