My husband left me with two small children

My husband left me with two small children
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I always wanted to have a full-fledged family -husband and children. I dreamed a lot about how we would be happy together and rejoice at every little achievement of our joint children and our own. It’s so great when you are not alone: ​​on the one hand, the support and shoulder of your spouse, and on the other, our creations, which bring more and more pleasure every day. Children are happy when their parents are happy and it is no secret that this component is integral and the only primary one among all similar ones.

I grew up without a father, so the absence of a strong man initially in my childhood affected my future worldview and views onlife . And no matter what, I needed a full-fledged nosebleedfamily and the presence of a father for our children.

Finally, we had our own home, after long wanderings with my husband and daughter in rented apartments and living together with my mother and stepfather in a two-room apartment. It would seem that I don’t want to live, work, create, love.

We decided to have a second child, and decided that it had to be a boy, but God willing. And we did it, and it turned out exactly what we both wanted. Happiness knew no bounds: for me, for sure,the husband seemed to be incredibly happy too.

On April 3, 2017, my husband diedfather , I was 8 months pregnant, and in this regard, he apparently “went crazy”: he stopped coming home, citing his workload as the reason, stopped calling, taking an interest in our life with our daughter and future baby, and helping financially .

To say that I felt bad is to say nothing. The pregnancy was going well, but at some point everything went downhill: my constant tears, lack of sleep and nervousness ultimately affected both the labor and its outcome. The child was immediately taken to intensive care. While I was on my way to the maternity hospital, I constantly called him, but he didn’t come over. After resuscitationthe hospital and, as it seemed to me then, the long three months of consequences of this birth, which affected the mental and physical development of our son. My husband and I talked on the phone all this time, he kept promising to come and telling fairy tales that everything would get better soon. As a result, I began to understand that he would never come again! But you have to live somehow. Two children need to be fed, clothed, put on shoes and much more. I realized in horror that I was left alone, far from my loved ones, who remained outside the Moscow Ring Road.

Fortunately, she moved in with mefriend , together we began to arrange our new life, look for a job for her so that she could feed us. I managed to apply for all the benefits due to me. At a certain point, I realized that we couldn’t cope: my friend is retired, they don’t hire me, I’m sitting at home, and it’s not possible to live on her pension and my benefits. Then I had to ring the bells, and what I want to say is that everyone responded, even those from whom I did not expect. Thank you God, there are so many kind and caring people around that I couldn’t even believe it at first.

They transferred to mebrought moneyfood , clothes for the baby and elder, toys, strollers - in general, everything that was needed for life. Moreover, I didn’t ask for anything, I simply voiced my problem, swallowing tears, and it, the problem, began to be solved quickly, even, let me tell you, immediately. As if by magic, everything you needed began to appear by itself. As a result, my friend successfully got a part-time job with one of my friends and has now started working elsewhere on a permanent basis. My son is now one year old, my daughter is 12 years old. I’m still sitting at home, but I plan to go out into the world in the very near future, it’s time to start earning money and working hard, how long can you be a dependent, it’s time to know the honor. My friend will sit down with the children, but I just go ahead!

What I want to say to everyone who finds themselves alone with a child or children is that life goes on and there is no way out except from the other world. Look at your child, hug him, kiss him, feel all your endlesslove for the little man who was carried under your heart for 9 months - you and yoursa child is already a family, you are not alone! Throw away grievances and fears, look around soberly and analyze the current situation and begin to act. Clothing, shoes and other material assets can be found without problems on many publicly available resources on the Internet. It is not at all necessary to buy branded diapers; there are a lot of unpromoted brands that can be used. You will have to learn to save, remember, this is all temporary, children are growing up quickly, before you know it the garden will be there, which means you can go to work. If your hands grow from the right place, you can start a small business. Mymy sister , for example, made hairpins for girls and sold them on the Internet, and subsequently discovered the gift of making gorgeous cakes to order, while working a full-time job. You can sew, knit, bake, whatever you are capable of - there is no limit to your imagination. If you know how to write beautifully, write articles and publish them; if you know how to sell, work remotely from home. The main thing is desire, and strength will be given to you from above.

While I’m sitting at home, I’ve been thinking a lot about how I can be useful to this world? And I decided to create a page on Facebook, which will bring together like-minded people and friends who are ready to help mothers left with a child or children without a husband. How to help, you ask: clothes, toys, everything possible, whoever at is so much, why not? How much we take out unnecessary things to the dacha every hour or throw them away, but perhaps it could be useful to someone. It's easier together.

No matter how hard it is, everything passes over time, mental wounds heal, new goals and interests appear, new people come into our lives and change it, so don’t be discouraged and grieve over what has already ended. We turned the page and started from scratch, where on this new page you and your child, add, complement and decorate the rest to your liking. Love yourself, love your children, love those around you!

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