My husband gave me the child, but demanded alimony from me

My husband gave me the child, but demanded alimony from me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have two children - a six-year-olddaughter from his first marriage and a three-year-oldson from the second. I raise them alone, but at the same time I pay child support for my son. I’ll tell you why this is so now.

It started three years ago. My husband and I had been married for a year already, and everything was fine with us. He took in my then three-year-old daughter and raised her. We loved each other. Then I gave birth. This is where it startedProblems . Ourthe relationship began to deteriorate. My husband was very tired at work, but at home he had to help him from the doorway. Wash bottles, cook, bathe, run to the store.

Of course, I was tired too. I slept little at night, during the day everything was with my son, and I considered it my legal right to rest when he camehusband from work. As a result, when my son was 2 months old, we had a terrible quarrel. I went with my daughter to my mother. He didn't give me his son. Stopped answering calls.

I contactedcourt . The matter lasted a very long time. Then the court ordered the son to be handed over to me. The bailiffs began their work. Yes, but not very quickly. We couldn’t find him at home, the phone was silent, and the neighbors shrugged their shoulders, saying that we didn’t know anything and hadn’t seen where he was.

About a year later, he called me and said that if I want, I can take my son, since hemother is needed. With all this fuss, I didn’t notice how time flies, but my son is already two and a half years old. I filed for alimony. After all, I am raising two children alone, and, of course, I work full time. Mom helps with children. The bailiffs cannot recover from him, since he does not officially work. And here's the news...

I receive from the bailiffs the recovery of alimony in favor ofhusband . How is this possible? After all, my son lives with me, and I raise him? I went to the bailiffs and they told me how and what. My husband went to court to collect alimony from me for 2.5 years. The reasons were that I was not interested in the child’s health, did not participate in his upbringing, and did not answer calls.

He didn't call me! But that doesn’t matter now. The bailiffs immediately blocked from my salary card. I should receive alimony from him on the same card.

The amount of debt has accumulated in almost 3 years. What an absurdity! I have no idea what to do.

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