My husband took my house and brought his mistress into it

My husband took my house and brought his mistress into it
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I got married when we were 20 years old. We survived the difficult 90s together. Eye cancerhusband , rose from poverty. Probably everything is like everyone else. But there is one nuance that is not like everyone else.

I got a house from my grandmother, I couldn’t register it in my name, so I registered it in my husband’s name. I grew up in this house and began to live there after marriage. We lived 20 years, there isson is grown up and heremy husband went on a spree. I caught him via text message. He had been in a relationship with a woman for three years at that time.

Pain and unwillingness to live. I don't know how I survived everything! As a result, I divorced my husband a year and a half ago, now I have come to my senses a little. He created all the conditions for me to go to my mother. He turns my son against me as soon as I filed for division of property. According to the court, I won 1/2 of my own house and $10,000 for cars.

I didn’t know who I lived with for those 20 years. I changed everything in my life, right down to country of residence. But somewhere deep down I hope that there is something human left in him. 2 years have passed since the divorce. He brought his mistress to our house. Why am I in so much pain, this situation won’t let me go, what lesson should I learn from this?

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