The husband repaid the care and concern

The husband repaid the care and concern
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It took me a long time to decide to write, I know that not many will understand correctly, some will judge. But it’s so boiling that I just want to speak out.

Imarried , havechild (1 year and 8 months). My husband didn’t particularly appreciate me, he cheated on me almost all the time. A serious illness that required a long recovery stopped him from this habit. Certainly,I couldn’t forgive the betrayal; rather, I just got used to the idea that I didn’t satisfy him in some way, and maybe I was to blame for something myself. And after his illness, I helped him, was on duty in the ward, spoon-fed him if the situation required it. I also nursed at home. She didn’t reproach him, she did whatever he asked.

Now he has recovered a little and began to simply humiliate me and insult me ​​constantly. If I try to express something, he immediately starts screaming, saying that he wants me to do as he wants. For every offense he threatens to tell everything to my parents. I can’t please you either in word or deed. I'm tired of thisrelationship _ I stopped believing in myself. More and more often I simply remain silent in response to his accusations. It’s a shame that a person pays for my kindness with rudeness and humiliation. At the same time, his relatives also insult both me and the child quite strongly. HisMother , during her husband's operation, swore our child in the church. They accuse me that if I gave birth by Caesarean section, then our child is sick. It's a shame to hear all this. My husband, of course, doesn’t stand up for me, I have nowhere to go, but I don’t have the strength to endure it anymore. I just poured out my heart.

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