My husband stopped paying attention to me and is looking for entertainment on dating sites

My husband stopped paying attention to me and is looking for entertainment on dating sites
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am writing my real story to getadvice and figure it out.

Married for 8 years. The story began with love. My husband is very good, conscientious and kind. We fell in love and got married a year later. The only thing thathusband always had his own standards of female beauty (he never hid the fact that he likedgirls with beautiful legs, but I didn’t have such legs). I have always been average - 58 kg and 168 cm.

From time to time I noticed thatmy husband surfs adult sites, but so far it has not affected our intimatelife was silent. But the further you go, the more difficult it becomes. I got pregnant -the child is desired. A child with a disability makes our life very difficult and creates enormous difficulties. The husband became depressed. So 3 years passed. I have gained weight because I eat away all the stress.

Now we have almost no sex, only once a month. I find dating sites on my husband’s phone (most likely he looks at girls and corresponds, since he definitely doesn’t cheat physically). They began to ignore me more and more often; didn’t even want to kiss me. I talked to him and got the same answers: what do you want? What is the problem? Leave me alone, let me just work.

She doesn’t want to get a divorce, she says that everything is fine, and I made it all up. But in fact, nothing is normal. I cry constantly, he sits on the Internet, a child, like a point of contact and great pain. I wrote it chaotically, but I have no idea what to do or how to live further.

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