My husband worries about me only in words

My husband worries about me only in words
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have a huge problem. To some this may seem like a small thing, but it’s my problem and for me it’s really big.

My husband and I have been together for 3 years, married for a year. We never had a license or a car. More precisely, there is a car, but it is very old and has been sitting in the snow for about 5 years. So we think that she’s all rotten there, and there’s no hope for her anymore.

Two years ago I went to study law. It so happened that the school where I studied went bankrupt. I skated only a third of the allotted time and was sent for an exam. I immediately said that I wouldn’t pass, that I had too little experience. But they insisted. I went to take the theory test, but failed the race track. Then I passed it several more times. First I failed the race track, and then the city. The driving school refused to ride with me for free. It’s like I spent all my time doing paperwork, but we all knew that wasn’t the case. I had something like a psychological trauma after all this and somehow turned away from the helm of I never passed. The husband was deprived of his license for 5 years. And he said that, when the deadline had passed, he would restore them.

This is what happens next. We began to think about the child. And understandably, we both thought that it was very important to have a car. After all, we live in a big city and here it’s an hour’s walk to the nearest clinic, and buses go there every half hour. And you can’t travel on public transport if you’re pregnant. It's long, inconvenient, dangerous. How many times have I seen poor pregnant women squeezing their way through the crowd and constantly being hit by elbows right on the stomach.

In general, our thoughts converged, and several months passed. During this time there was enough money tomy husband regained his license. But no action was taken. As for me, we decided that I definitely wouldn’t travel while pregnant, since during pregnancygirls often faint and, of course, driving is dangerous. And in general, you never know it will get worse, plus the nerves.

And at this moment he tells me that he does not want to drive. He just doesn’t want to and that’s all. Doesn't really answer anything. He simply says that he has no desire and is generally too lazy to do anything, and he needs a lot of money for it. I was shocked.

I explain to him that this is necessary for our family, for comfort, convenience and safety. That we have talked about this topic more than once, and always agreed that it is necessary, but here it is on you. He wants a child, come to methe attitude is the same as it was, but it was in this issue that such a problem arose.

I told him that if he likethe man will not solve our family problem, as he previously promised, I will go study myself! I’ll buy a car myself and drive myself. He agreed. Although everyone used to shout that I would never drive while pregnant. He was most worried about my safety. And of course, about pregnancy - this is all just talk. It is clear that not everyone can get pregnant now, and how we will succeed is not yet known, but I believe that it is very important to properly prepare for this stage in orderthe pregnancy proceeded in comfort and without unnecessary nerves, and here such an attitude from the outsidehusband .

Of course, I just want my man to meet me from work. I work 12 hours outside the city. I wait from 20 to 60 minutes for a bus in the cold. I just want to travel in the car on business, to visit relatives. And this is what happens.

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