Husband screenshots photos of his ex-girlfriends

Husband screenshots photos of his ex-girlfriends
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Never checked gadgetshusband . And then he showed me pictures of doors for repair on his phone. I saw the screenshots. I looked into that folder without him and found screenshots of his two ex-women. One of them is the one I dated for 10 years, she is married. He left it himself. The second one - with which I wanted to build laterrelationship . They dated for 2 months. There was no intimacy. She refused him.

Will screen a lot. I looked at the dates. These women often change their photos, about once a month. He immediately takes a screenshot. There are no correspondences. He constantly scrolls through his WhatsApp contacts to take photos. My photos are there only at the beginning of our romance and that’s all.

And recently I started changing my avatars. He takes my screenshots selectively. Not all. And for these women, even the most unsuccessful photos are left as memories, where no faces are visible, far away on the beach, in the company of friends, etc.

I told him. He was embarrassed and said that I made an elephant out of little things, that this was his little hobby. We had a fight. He erased. But I see how every time he logs into WhatsApp, he scrolls through his contacts to see if the photo has been updated.

What is this? Help me to understand?

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