The husband became more important than the child

The husband became more important than the child
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

To meMom told a true story. It was in the 48-50s. They lived in the Perm region in a workers' settlement, and there was a military unit nearby in the forest. Soldiers sometimes came to the settlement to the post office or to the store when they were given leave.

The widow of a fallen front-line soldier, who lived in the village where my parents lived, met a soldier, and he was already supposed to be demobilized and invited her to come with him, but he said: “I don’t need your" the child is not needed." After the war there were many single women,There was no one to marry , and she was going to go with him, but she had to walk 4 km to the station.

It was early spring, this is the Urals. There was still snow and frost. They tied her to a tree in the forest off the road.daughter , who was 10 years old and left. And she left with a soldier. And a few hours later, workers were being transported in a car and the car stalled. The workers, some to smoke, some to relieve themselves, while the driver was making repairs. And one of the workers saw a bright spot in the snow in the forest. The girl was wearing a red cap, the criminals did not want to walk through the deep snow far into the forest and tied her up not very far from the road. If the car had not stalled, the girl would have died, since the workers were being transported in a truck with a tarpaulin van, and they could not see the forest on the sides.

The girl was already unconscious, she was saved, there were some frostbites, but everything was fine. The girl told about what happened. In the military unit, they established from the documents who this soldier was and where he went. They were found and tried.

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