The husband loved his son so much, and after the divorce he stopped communicating with him

The husband loved his son so much, and after the divorce he stopped communicating with him
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Прочла здесь историю о том, что бывший муж не хочет общаться с детьми и решила рассказать свою.

Мы с мужем прожили 9 лет вместе. Выплатили ипотеку, родили долгожданного сына. Муж его очень любил. А я мечтала ещё об одном ребёнке, хотела лапочку-дочку. Было столько планов, мечтаний, надежд. Мне казалось, он меня понимает, как никто. Все совместные праздники вместе. Проводили много времени с нашими семьями — выезжали на природу, устраивали совместные праздники для малышей (у моего брата двойня). Придумывали конкурсы, весело проводили время.

Everything was amazing. And then I found out about his betrayal. I started noticing changes in my husband. He often hid the phone, and apparently he erased everything, because I did not find anything. He often stopped at work. And one day he just turned off his phone and came home quite late.

I was exhausted, worried, and he didn’t even want to explain anything. The divorce was also scandalous. I wanted to return him to the family, I promised to try in everything, but he firmly decided to put an end to it. He said he loves her. I moved out even before the divorce, helped very little with money, well, at least I paid for the apartment.

A month later they divorced, and I immediately filed for alimony. She knew that his salary was not bad, and if he himself did not want to help normally, then let him do it according to the law. She let me see her son only in her presence. The child is very attached to me and very small. But every time we met, there was a scandal. I couldn't look at him, it hurt so much. She imagined him with another, and still could not understand what he lacked.

I asked him to register my part of the apartment for my son, but he refused. He said that he had nowhere to live, offered to buy out a share. And I don't have any money. Through the scandal and my parents agreed. Sold me for a symbolic 200 thousand. But even thesemoney had to be borrowed. Later, my friends introduced me to a man, with a good car, his own business, he does not need money. He made repairs for us, helped me. And later I found out that I was pregnant with my long-awaited daughter.

The ex-husband had a conflict with the current one. In, since I began to live not alone, I stopped letting him into the apartment. Besides, she was already completely mine. And the former tried to forcibly enter, because of which he was pushed back. There was a strong conflict, after which the husband stopped communicating. I got a job on a black salary, unofficial, alimony from it was scanty. Tried to hurt me.

Almost a year later, I found out where he works. I started calling his boss. cut off the phoneevery day and in the end, forced him to settle back. In view of the fact that he was not officially arranged, he accumulated a debt, which he will now pay me. He started paying me 50% of the writ of execution.

He still doesn't want to talk. Not with me, not with my son. I tried to get in touch, because it's not my fault that he did not want to pay according to the law. And it's not my fault that he now has nowhere to live, and no money. I know that he married his mistress, but she is seriously ill, it is hard for them to live. Know that she can't have children. Our city is small. Cousin works in antenatal clinicsister . For some reason, I think that they will part sooner or later.

Life has put everything in its place. Only son is very sorry. He asks where dad is, and why he now has two of them. Gradually completely forgets him, only the surname remains. I threw away all the photos and all the memories of this person. He is no longer in my life.

I seem to be happy and life punished him, and yet I still feel resentment and pain. For so many years, forbetrayal . Really, we will never communicate like adequate people again? After all, so much has been lived and it cannot be deleted, not forgotten.

I thought I knew him, that he was a good person. I trusted, I believed. We have been through so much together, and now he just abandoned such a long-awaited and beloved son. By all means he tries to avoid alimony and does not want to participate in his life. He does not know what he likes, what he is fond of, what he likes to play. After all, this is his only son! And earlier he was so attached to to him.

What a pity that I still cannot forgive him and let him go, stop thinking. Often I catch myself thinking that I compare the current spouse and the former. The former was more of a family man. Often was near, was in the family. And the current one is more in business, in his hobbies and friends.

Maybe I could have done something back then? Return, forgive, start over? Well, why did things turn out the way they did?

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