My husband surprised me

My husband surprised me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Mymy sister drives a car very well. Somehow something happened to her engine. A great master was recommended to us, and my sister and I went to see him. When I saw this master, my heart sank: a tall, handsome man stood in front of me. And I fell in love at first sight. Apparently he liked me too, because he made an appointment with me. We started dating. No one has ever looked after me so beautifully. Soon the wedding took place. How nice it is when someone becomes your husbandbeloved person!

Vadim had many acquaintances and friends. It’s clear that his work is so brisk, everyone needs a great master. One friend was the closest. They worked together and at the first call Vadim rushed to him. I was even jealous of his friend. I once told my husband that he probably loves his friend more than me. Vadim smiled and asked: “Don’t you have a closest friend?” Of course, so schoolI had a friend . I calmed down and continued to enjoy my happiness.

Was bornthe child and I were completely absorbed in caring for the baby, and he was very restless. I often didn’t sleep at night, then during the day I simply collapsed. Vadim often began to stay late at work and came late. We lived separately from his and my parents. It was great before the baby was born, but nowI could use some help from my parents. Although my parents and sister came to us and helped me.

I asked Vadim not to stay late at work so often because it’s hard for me. For some reason, Vadim was offended and said that he is now taking more orders because our family needs more money. And in order to work more, he needs proper rest, but because of the child, he constantly does not get enough sleep. And all sorts of men's household duties for minor repairs, assembling furniture and cleaning pipes on it. He said everything correctly, of course, but it’s still offensive. This is how he removed himself from caring for his son.

Time passed. The child turned 3 years old. Maybe I won’t look like a very good mother, but these three years were enough for me, and I didn’t want a second child. When the child went to kindergarten, it became easier. And Vadim began to visit home more. Life was getting better. I went to work. I was so glad about this!

One day my sister called me. She started renovations and needed a metal folding staircase that was in the country house. I took the keys to the dacha and we drove off. Arriving at the dacha, we saw that the gate was open. Or rather, it was covered, and a closed lock hung nearby. We always do this when we come to the dacha. We were surprised: if they were thieves, then how did they know our habits?

We walked towards the house with caution. The door was locked. At our dacha we have the same lock as at home - it is locked on the outside with a key, and on the inside with a latch. Very convenient lock.

We entered the house. We were attracted by some sounds. It was very scary, but curiosity got the better of us and we went into the room. Opening the door, we saw an oil painting: Vadim was in bed with his friend. We caught them at the most piquant moment. I almost became hysterical, but my sister quickly pushed me out of the house, put me in the car and took me home.

The meeting with Vadim was unpleasant for me to the point of disgust. He lay at my feet, askingforgiveness . But for me he no longer existed. I can notforgive betrayal, especially... like this. What I saw at the dacha will always be before my eyes. We separated and it’s still hard for me to talk about it.

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