My husband reproaches me for being from a boarding school

My husband reproaches me for being from a boarding school
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We have been married for 23 years, we have children, two sons - 21 years old and 10 years old. I have no relatives, I am from a boarding school.

From the very beginningThe relationship with my husband was not very good, I understand this now, but then it seemed that everything would work out. When was the first one born?child , I was 19 years old. There was no one to even tell me what to do, how to swaddle,my husband helped me, but I was tired, screams and quarrels began, intimate relations went wronglife , I stopped paying attention tohusband , he started cheating on me and I found out because he fell ill with a venereal disease.

We talked for a long time, to leave, didn’t leave, had nowhere to go, butI couldn’t forgive , so we lived, fought, made peace, was bornsecond child . My husband worked, I was on maternity leave, my husband made new friends, fishing trips, friends’ birthdays. He worked 5 days a week and spent weekends with friends. He provides for the family, I didn’t sit at home either, but the salary was less, so if the children were sick, I was at home with them, so my husband could go on vacation, and I could do all the housework.

At first I tried to explain to my husband that hurts me, all the time at home, with my friendsI have money , but there’s no money for a family vacation, the kids are in the yard, I’m with the pots, and my husband is on vacation because he’s very tired. Quarrels and mutual reproaches began, and when the arguments ended, he raised his hand. The elder stood up for the last timeson , said not to dare raise your hands.

I never complained to anyone, I endured it, for mefamily was important, I did everything to save it, and six months ago my husband said that I had ruined his life, that I was annoying, that I was hysterical, he said that he wanted to live for himself, but did not leave, he was blackmailing, reproaching me that I had no relatives . It seems to me that I hate him, but I have nowhere to go, I don’t have a job now, I depend on him. The town is small, there is nowhere to get a job, not even to wash the floors, my husband is on a business trip for 5 days, he comes for the weekend and blows his mind. We don’t have psychologists, but our nerves are on edge. I don’t know what to do.

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