Husband left family for son

Husband left family for son
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

This is the life story of my Aunt Vera. She is 44 years old and left herhusband . They lived together for 21 years.

We met in the first year of college, studied in the same group. With his attention and perseverance, he was able to win her heart, as it turned out, forever. After the army , Vera and Andrey got married, continued to study at the institute, and in their 4th year they had a baby.daughter .

He didn’t have his own home and, due to the prevailing circumstances, lived first with his parents, then with hers, and then in a hostel. We endured many difficulties and trials; the years of perestroika were not entirely simple. My husband started doing business and appearedmoney , and he is a generous person, loves holidays, is an enthusiastic person. My aunt did not quite like his surroundings and lifestyle. This means leaving for work late and coming home late. And sometimes I didn’t spend the night at home at all, and the main reason was always being busy at work.

Vera understood with her mind that he was deceiving her, but with her heart she did not want to. Eleven years ago, in another company, he met a woman and went to her. Vera and her daughter did not see him for four months. He came home in their absence, picked up the necessary things, wrote notes in which he said that he loved them, but he was going through a difficult period in his life and needed to decide how to live further.

Aunt collected all her things and wrote a note. Andrey must have surprised herthe deed and it remained. Then circumstances turned out to be such that they moved to another city. It seemed that everything was fine, but one fine day Vera found out that Andrei hadson . She tried it againforgive , treat the current situation objectively, becausethe child was born and must live, because it is not his fault that adults did not think about him. But in my soul, of course, something was greatly torn.

Ua distant object appeared again for my husband , there was a lot of work again, now he came home only on weekends. A few months later on yourbirthday he announced that he was starting a new onelife . He said that the first one with whom he broke up eleven years ago had arrived. She always thought about him, and somewhere deep in his heart lurkedlove for her, that they cannot live without each other, together they feel good and easy. He packed his things and left, even forgot to think about his aunt and daughter.

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