My husband spent all his free time with friends, and now it’s my turn

My husband spent all his free time with friends, and now it’s my turn
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 36 years old. Imarried for 10 years, have one in commonson , he is 8 years old. I met my husband 11 years ago, fell in love, began to live together, then he proposed to me and we got married, he really wanted a child, and a son was born.

From the very beginning of the relationship, I began to notice that constantly (once a month), he goes on a business trip for 5 days, or goes fishing with friends (work partners). I was immediately tense, but he said that this was necessary, that this is how issues are resolved on these work trips. He says that he needs to be alone, and I willingly believed, loving. Then there were trips for 10 days (corporate party, wives not allowed, only employees). Then, after about three years, I began to learn, by chance from friends, that it was possible to go with their wives, as it was, everyone was with their wives, I was not alone.

I told my husband that I am categorically against these trips of his, at most, if something is really related to work, and all his parties (there is no other way to call it), I am against it. I admit that you can go fishing for three days or cheer for your favorite football team for a couple of days in another country, but just hanging out in the company of vague single friends, I am against it. The husband became aggressive, said that he wanted to ride, heman .

Two more years of his endless trips passed. I can’t say that he lost interest in me, my intimacy is completely fine, but the endless trips, which sometimes coincided with weekends across the country, already drove me crazy, I began to suspect that a man just couldn’t run around like that, I wanted incriminate him.

There was no direct evidence, photos came across by chance, minemy husband in such and such a nightclub, there and then, but I didn’t see or feel any obvious betrayal. As a result, out of 10 years of marriage,My husband disappeared for 8 years on some trips. Then I found out that I could go on any trips with him, many of which were trips the wives of his friends went with his friends. He didn't take me.

10 years have passed, I am a fairly attractive woman, men pay attention. circle of acquaintances has changed, girlfriends often invite me to go out somewhere, invite me to go on vacation. My husband didn't like it anymore. It constantly gnaws at me that he spent almost the majority of the marriage riding and driving around. Now he doesn’t travel, he spends almost all his time with his family. But the worm inside me is sharpening and sharpening.

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