My husband regrets marrying me

My husband regrets marrying me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband doesn't like minefamily . He believes that fate is not fair to him. Getting into my family is like a punishment for him.

We moved to live with my parents a year after our wedding. At that time, we were not financially ready to buy our own home. The choice was eithermy husband goes to his place, and I go to my place, or together we move to my parents. We chose to stay together. I didn't want to live with my parents because myFather is not a very nice person. I'll tell you a little about him.

My father only cares about one thing - religion. He spends his days consuming religious content and praying. Such a spiritual person may deserve respect. Unfortunately, as a husband and father, he does not want to fulfill his role. It's okay for him tohis wife works and supports him, soThe daughter feeds the whole family from her savings. He doesn't want to help around the house either. He simply exists and everyone around him must adapt to his vision of the world.

After we moved to my parents' house, mylife has become hell. husband began to hate my father and my entire family. I have long been accustomed to having such a father. However, it was a big shock for him. In his family it is different - the father provides for the family and children even after their marriage.

My husband has lost respect for my father. We are living through Groundhog Day. Every day is a passage of emotional hell according to the schedule:

in the morning complaining about how my father annoys him; he doesn’t want to have children with me (genetics are inherited). in the afternoon talking about how he will never communicate with my parents after moving into his apartment. in the evening accusing me of I didn’t tell him before I got married what kind of father I was. He feels trapped and wishes he had never married me. Because I have such a father,

On the one hand, I understand his feelings and am in no way trying to downplay his experiences. I just don't know what to do. Every day I am in constant stress. This affects my work andhealth . I didn’t choose my parents and wanted to start my own family away from my parents. Whenhusbands were financialproblems , my parents happily accepted us.

If we don't like living here, logically we either move or we don't complain. The longer we are here, the more miserable we become. I invited my husband to live separately (I will stay with my parents, and he will go to live with his own). But this option did not suit him. He considers me a good wife and partner. So I don’t know how to live further? He takes every opportunity to tell me how unhappy he is and how he regrets getting married.

I can’t share this with my parents because I feel sorry for them, and I have no one to ask for advice.

What would you do in my situation? How would you behave?

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