My husband was taken away from me by my own sister

My husband was taken away from me by my own sister
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I've been through something terriblebetrayal , myhusband twistedhaving an affair , not with just anyone, but with my sister. It was emotionally difficultdivorce , first of all for me, from the outsideI didn’t see my husband ’s real experiences. Sodepression and trying to get out.

I can’t say with certainty that I got out of this hole, but I overcame many problems. No more depressionlife blooms and smells, there are friendsfriends , there are favorite hobbies, there is a job that you really like and brings satisfaction in terms of self-realization. But I don’t have a personal life, I don’t know, unfortunately or fortunately. Probably just burned out emotionally. There is no longer any craving and desire for all these things like family romances and other things, the notorious maternal instinct has also successfully fallen asleep, although I am not even 30 years old, and I don’t even want flirting and similar things anymore.

I’ll be honest, I’m happy, I’m satisfied with my life, the pain of resentment and regret is gone, and I live a calm and good life. I can’t say much about my ex-husband and sister, I forgave them, but communicating with my sister is beyond my strength. We haven’t seen each other since then, and to be honest, I don’t want to see her or communicate with her, I just can’t imagine how it’s possible after everything that happened, it’s somehow unnatural.

I can also say that to some extent the boomerang returned to them, and for some reason to the sister more than to the ex-husband, it’s somehow strange, apparently, this justice. Firstly, they were borna child , sick and bedridden, and secondly, they could not live together for a long time, apparently, the boat of happiness crashed on the reefs of big real problems and difficulties of life. They just started arguing for no reason, and in the end she kicked him out and then filed for divorce, no one wanted to reconcile, so the divorce went through without any problems. He pays alimony, and now she lives only for the child; she had to say goodbye completely to her personal life. As far as I know, he now lives alone, occasionally visits the child and pays child support. I believe that the boomerang did not come to him. Well, this is how life is, and how did it happen?

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