Husband doesn't like adult movies

Husband doesn't like adult movies
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Wife's confession abouthusband watches adult films, reminded me of my husband and I are the sameproblems . When I was already married, and everything was just fine with us, I also began to notice my husband sitting at the computer. Then, as in history, I saw that I was watching all sorts of porn, I remember I got all excited, angry and it hurt me. She did not find out loudly, but asked why he was watching this? He replied: “I want to see all sorts of poses, how can we still do the same.”

His answer did not make me happy, but upset. I didn’t go myself for two weeks, until I myself left. I bought everything for sex (toys, wigs, appropriate clothes, games, when, where and in what, all sorts of names for myself and for him too, in a word, role-playing games, poses, etc.). We liked it and everything got even better, intimacy definitely improved from 100 to 1000 percent, but sometimes I met in history that my husband still watches adult films!

Not knowing what to do, I came up with the idea of ​​watching together before having sex. As a result, he didn’t need it right then, and I didn’t like it, because even without it they warmed up well with each other, so they excluded viewing before sex. This haunted me, I began to desire him less in this intimate sense, it seemed to me why he needed this, which means that I do not satisfy him (although I know and feel that very much). So what's the deal?

I also decided to look separately, and when no one sees, but to be honest. All this is about nothing, I had no problems, self-confident and sexy, they get to know each other (despite the fact that we have 2 children and are 12 years old together), I look good and I am 8-10 years younger than my years. I did not want my husband to get carried away with this, but it happened. He first saw me watching and said: “do you watch porn?”. I answer that I also need to look sometimes. And he: “What are you looking at there?”. I say: “I have never seen other men from different, and after looking at it a couple of times, I liked it all, so I’m looking again.” He was shocked by my answer, he just stood there angry and just silently looked at me. And I added: “it’s somehow uncomfortable to watch in front of you, probably that’s why you don’t look in front of me either.”

The husband now walks in some doubts and already from our everyday or every other day, for the first time in so many years it happened to us that in a week. And then she herself took the initiative and said: “let’s be like him, look in that video, I’ll turn it on now.” And I also say: “I want you to do as in that episode.” He replies: “What, I don’t know how to do it? why should I do what?”. Then she said that she could also shave him in the same place, like many men. Little by little, she stopped angering him with this, because she already saw that she was not sitting there, but he could clean up history.

And then after a couple of months, he answers my question that he began to watch less often.

I took and photographed from a video of various poses and at the same time, as if by accident, all sorts of male organs and left it so, in plain sight, as if I were just browsing (in fact, I would like my husband to see it). As a result, I saw (it worked, but I’m still an actress), got angry, broke the phone, told me how depraved I had become, and that other interesting people had now become me, that I was completely insolent.

Now this is no longer in our relationship, she exhausted all the views for him. And he forgot this business for many years, for 10 years he didn’t need it. We sometimes remember this already with jokes, and he says that it was I who helped him understand that such films are not needed at all for relationships.

Such is the story of our family life, not like everyone else.

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